A quick introduction of the minimal setup of the environment.
# clone the project into your local repository
# "Open folder in container" on VS code using Remote Containers extendion
This should build and run the Dockerfile on your system. This is essential for working with the latest packages and dependencies required for our project
To begin developing, open the terminal inside the container and run the following:
cd ~/workspaces/cs225FinalProject2022/code/MotionPlanning
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
All the source files will be present here
If code is changed within the workspace, to realize the changes, you will have to make the project by doing the following:
cd ~/workspaces/cs225FinalProject2022/code/MotionPlanning/build
# ./main <binary pcd file> <annotation json file> <frame ID>
# example:
./main "/workspaces/cs225FinalProject2022/data/000113/lidar_roof/1616536043201.bin" "/workspaces/cs225FinalProject2022/data/000113.json" "/workspaces/cs225FinalProject2022/data/000113/lidar_roof/ 1616536043201.bin"
This will make the project. The data can be found here (large files): annotations: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14cI2vleBokHEtSLjZAgzmjL1cFOkoYwD lidar data: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gUCYhCFIEuRePMIRzzRQGTY1L0XmbsUq
To test, write the following command:
cd ~/workspaces/cs225FinalProject2022/code/MotionPlanning/build
make test
This will run the test cases present in "~/workspaces/cs225FinalProject2022/code/MotionPlanning/tests/tests.cpp"
The link to the video: https://mediaspace.illinois.edu/media/t/1_h0q7cb1p
The link to the final report: https://github.com/stuti-agrawal/cs225FinalProject2022/blob/main/report.md