This directory contains docker related files. It includes Dockerfiles, helper scripts and Makefile for convenience
This file is used to build the official docker image published in dockerhub. It uses the official stellar-core deb package for two reasons:
- To ensure docker and non-docker environments run the same build
- To allow binaries to be cryptographically verified
to deb package version you want installed.
For example:
export STELLAR_CORE_VERSION=17.0.0-557.096f6a7.focal
export TAG=${USER}/stellar-core:${STELLAR_CORE_VERSION}
make docker-build
This is a Dockerfile for one-off builds of stellar-core during development.
It enables the protocol-next by default, assuming you're using it for testing features that are not yet ready for production.
It's intended to be run from the stellar-core source directory of a developer's workstation to make a test buid that can be run in kubernetes without passing through any of the normal CI process. As such it is as small and quick as possible, using ubuntu linux and neither building nor installing an intermediate debian package.
This file does not even require the workspace to be pushed to github, much less in an open PR, only committed to the local git repo so 'git clean' knows which files to keep: it copies the contents of the directory it's invoked from and then does 'git clean' and a rebuild in the container's build environment. There's no audit trail in the resulting images and they should only ever go in user repositories for testing purposes.
To use this file, run something like the following at the top of this repository:
export TAG=${USER}/stellar-core:$(git describe --always --tags --long)
docker build -f docker/Dockerfile.testing . -t $TAG
Or using Makefile
make -C docker docker-build-testing