From 46307fdf55237f19d14a0ea66c135979190586aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle Sunden
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2023 17:32:01 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Remove straggler 3.7 release notes
These were all properly included in the 3.7 release notes, but for some reason not removed by #25270, despite being removed in #25194 along all of the other similar notes
.../next_api_changes/behavior/24655-AK.rst | 15 ---
.../next_api_changes/behavior/24912-AL.rst | 4 -
.../deprecations/24254-OG.rst | 6 -
.../deprecations/24904-AL.rst | 4 -
.../deprecations/25196-EP.rst | 4 -
.../next_api_changes/development/24893-KS.rst | 8 --
.../next_api_changes/removals/24254-OG.rst | 64 ----------
.../next_api_changes/removals/24948-ES.rst | 115 ------------------
.../next_api_changes/removals/24965-ES.rst | 5 -
9 files changed, 225 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 doc/api/next_api_changes/behavior/24655-AK.rst
delete mode 100644 doc/api/next_api_changes/behavior/24912-AL.rst
delete mode 100644 doc/api/next_api_changes/deprecations/24254-OG.rst
delete mode 100644 doc/api/next_api_changes/deprecations/24904-AL.rst
delete mode 100644 doc/api/next_api_changes/deprecations/25196-EP.rst
delete mode 100644 doc/api/next_api_changes/development/24893-KS.rst
delete mode 100644 doc/api/next_api_changes/removals/24254-OG.rst
delete mode 100644 doc/api/next_api_changes/removals/24948-ES.rst
delete mode 100644 doc/api/next_api_changes/removals/24965-ES.rst
diff --git a/doc/api/next_api_changes/behavior/24655-AK.rst b/doc/api/next_api_changes/behavior/24655-AK.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 04b4141e4517..000000000000
--- a/doc/api/next_api_changes/behavior/24655-AK.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-On Windows only fonts known to the registry will be discovered
-Previously, Matplotlib would recursively walk user and system font directories
-to discover fonts, however this lead to a number of undesirable behaviors
-including finding deleted fonts. Now Matplotlib will only find fonts that are
-known to the Windows registry.
-This means that any user installed fonts must go through the Windows font
-installer rather than simply being copied to the correct folder.
-This only impacts the set of fonts Matplotlib will consider when using
-`matplotlib.font_manager.findfont`. To use an arbitrary font, directly pass the
-path to a font as shown in
diff --git a/doc/api/next_api_changes/behavior/24912-AL.rst b/doc/api/next_api_changes/behavior/24912-AL.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a87ed217f9f..000000000000
--- a/doc/api/next_api_changes/behavior/24912-AL.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-``contour`` no longer warns if no contour lines are drawn.
-This can occur if the user explicitly passes a ``levels`` array with no values
-between ``z.min()`` and ``z.max()``; or if ``z`` has the same value everywhere.
diff --git a/doc/api/next_api_changes/deprecations/24254-OG.rst b/doc/api/next_api_changes/deprecations/24254-OG.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index d6e4882a774b..000000000000
--- a/doc/api/next_api_changes/deprecations/24254-OG.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Most arguments to widgets have been made keyword-only
-Passing all but the very few first arguments positionally in the constructors
-of Widgets is deprecated. Most arguments will become keyword-only in a future
diff --git a/doc/api/next_api_changes/deprecations/24904-AL.rst b/doc/api/next_api_changes/deprecations/24904-AL.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index cbd04aadd3d8..000000000000
--- a/doc/api/next_api_changes/deprecations/24904-AL.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Passing inconsistent ``loc`` and ``nth_coord`` to axisartist helpers
-Trying to construct for example a "top y-axis" or a "left x-axis" is now
diff --git a/doc/api/next_api_changes/deprecations/25196-EP.rst b/doc/api/next_api_changes/deprecations/25196-EP.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 99f55401976d..000000000000
--- a/doc/api/next_api_changes/deprecations/25196-EP.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-When creating a Line2D or using `.Line2D.set_xdata` and `.Line2D.set_ydata`,
-passing x/y data as non sequence is deprecated.
diff --git a/doc/api/next_api_changes/development/24893-KS.rst b/doc/api/next_api_changes/development/24893-KS.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 382f0c1c5cc1..000000000000
--- a/doc/api/next_api_changes/development/24893-KS.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Maximum line length increased to 88 characters
-The maximum line length for new contributions has been extended from 79 characters to
-88 characters.
-This change provides an extra 9 characters to allow code which is a single idea to fit
-on fewer lines (often a single line).
-The chosen length is the same as `black `_.
diff --git a/doc/api/next_api_changes/removals/24254-OG.rst b/doc/api/next_api_changes/removals/24254-OG.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index f29d1e0662cd..000000000000
--- a/doc/api/next_api_changes/removals/24254-OG.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-Removal of deprecations in the Selector widget API
-RectangleSelector and EllipseSelector
-The *drawtype* keyword argument to `~matplotlib.widgets.RectangleSelector` is
-removed. From now on, the only behaviour will be ``drawtype='box'``.
-Support for ``drawtype=line`` is removed altogether. As a
-result, the *lineprops* keyword argument to
-`~matplotlib.widgets.RectangleSelector` is also removed.
-To retain the behaviour of ``drawtype='none'``, use ``rectprops={'visible':
-False}`` to make the drawn `~matplotlib.patches.Rectangle` invisible.
-Cleaned up attributes and arguments are:
-- The ``active_handle`` attribute has been privatized and removed.
-- The ``drawtype`` attribute has been privatized and removed.
-- The ``eventpress`` attribute has been privatized and removed.
-- The ``eventrelease`` attribute has been privatized and removed.
-- The ``interactive`` attribute has been privatized and removed.
-- The *marker_props* argument is removed, use *handle_props* instead.
-- The *maxdist* argument is removed, use *grab_range* instead.
-- The *rectprops* argument is removed, use *props* instead.
-- The ``rectprops`` attribute has been privatized and removed.
-- The ``state`` attribute has been privatized and removed.
-- The ``to_draw`` attribute has been privatized and removed.
-- The *line* attribute is removed. If you want to change the selector artist
- properties, use the ``set_props`` or ``set_handle_props`` methods.
-- The *lineprops* argument is removed, use *props* instead.
-- The *markerprops* argument is removed, use *handle_props* instead.
-- The *maxdist* argument and attribute is removed, use *grab_range* instead.
-- The *vertex_select_radius* argument and attribute is removed, use
- *grab_range* instead.
-- The ``active_handle`` attribute has been privatized and removed.
-- The ``eventpress`` attribute has been privatized and removed.
-- The ``eventrelease`` attribute has been privatized and removed.
-- The ``pressv`` attribute has been privatized and removed.
-- The ``prev`` attribute has been privatized and removed.
-- The ``rect`` attribute has been privatized and removed.
-- The *rectprops* parameter has been renamed to *props*.
-- The ``rectprops`` attribute has been privatized and removed.
-- The *span_stays* parameter has been renamed to *interactive*.
-- The ``span_stays`` attribute has been privatized and removed.
-- The ``state`` attribute has been privatized and removed.
-- The *lineprops* argument is removed, use *props* instead.
-- The ``onpress`` and ``onrelease`` methods are removed. They are straight
- aliases for ``press`` and ``release``.
-- The ``matplotlib.widgets.TextBox.DIST_FROM_LEFT`` attribute has been
- removed. It was marked as private in 3.5.
diff --git a/doc/api/next_api_changes/removals/24948-ES.rst b/doc/api/next_api_changes/removals/24948-ES.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 38ed70792f26..000000000000
--- a/doc/api/next_api_changes/removals/24948-ES.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-Testing support
-``matplotlib.test()`` has been removed
-Run tests using ``pytest`` from the commandline instead. The variable
-``matplotlib.default_test_modules`` was only used for ``matplotlib.test()`` and
-is thus removed as well.
-To test an installed copy, be sure to specify both ``matplotlib`` and
-``mpl_toolkits`` with ``--pyargs``::
- python -m pytest --pyargs matplotlib.tests mpl_toolkits.tests
-See :ref:`testing` for more details.
-Auto-removal of grids by `~.Axes.pcolor` and `~.Axes.pcolormesh`
-`~.Axes.pcolor` and `~.Axes.pcolormesh` previously remove any visible axes
-major grid. This behavior is removed; please explicitly call ``ax.grid(False)``
-to remove the grid.
-Modification of ``Axes`` children sublists
-See :ref:`Behavioural API Changes 3.5 - Axes children combined` for more
-information; modification of the following sublists is no longer supported:
-* ``Axes.artists``
-* ``Axes.collections``
-* ``Axes.images``
-* ``Axes.lines``
-* ``Axes.patches``
-* ``Axes.tables``
-* ``Axes.texts``
-To remove an Artist, use its `.Artist.remove` method. To add an Artist, use the
-corresponding ``Axes.add_*`` method.
-Passing incorrect types to ``Axes.add_*`` methods
-The following ``Axes.add_*`` methods will now raise if passed an unexpected
-type. See their documentation for the types they expect.
-- `.Axes.add_collection`
-- `.Axes.add_image`
-- `.Axes.add_line`
-- `.Axes.add_patch`
-- `.Axes.add_table`
-``ConversionInterface.convert`` no longer accepts unitless values
-Previously, custom subclasses of `.units.ConversionInterface` needed to
-implement a ``convert`` method that not only accepted instances of the unit,
-but also unitless values (which are passed through as is). This is no longer
-the case (``convert`` is never called with a unitless value), and such support
-in ``.StrCategoryConverter`` is removed. Likewise, the
-``.ConversionInterface.is_numlike`` helper is removed.
-Consider calling `.Axis.convert_units` instead, which still supports unitless
-Normal list of `.Artist` objects now returned by `.HandlerLine2D.create_artists`
-For Matplotlib 3.5 and 3.6 a proxy list was returned that simulated the return
-of `.HandlerLine2DCompound.create_artists`. Now a list containing only the
-single artist is return.
-rcParams will no longer cast inputs to str
-rcParams that expect a (non-pathlike) str no longer cast non-str inputs using
-`str`. This will avoid confusing errors in subsequent code if e.g. a list input
-gets implicitly cast to a str.
-Case-insensitive scales
-Previously, scales could be set case-insensitively (e.g.,
-``set_xscale("LoG")``). Now all builtin scales use lowercase names.
-Support for ``nx1 = None`` or ``ny1 = None`` in ``AxesLocator`` and ``Divider.locate``
-In `.axes_grid1.axes_divider`, various internal APIs no longer supports
-passing ``nx1 = None`` or ``ny1 = None`` to mean ``nx + 1`` or ``ny + 1``, in
-preparation for a possible future API which allows indexing and slicing of
-dividers (possibly ``divider[a:b] == divider.new_locator(a, b)``, but also
-``divider[a:] == divider.new_locator(a, )``). The user-facing
-`.Divider.new_locator` API is unaffected -- it correctly normalizes ``nx1 =
-None`` and ``ny1 = None`` as needed.
-change signature of ``.FigureCanvasBase.enter_notify_event``
-The *xy* parameter is now required and keyword only. This was deprecated in
-3.0 and originally slated to be removed in 3.5.
diff --git a/doc/api/next_api_changes/removals/24965-ES.rst b/doc/api/next_api_changes/removals/24965-ES.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 96089f463e64..000000000000
--- a/doc/api/next_api_changes/removals/24965-ES.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-``Colorbar`` tick update parameters
-The *update_ticks* parameter of `.Colorbar.set_ticks` and
-`.Colorbar.set_ticklabels` was ignored since 3.5 and has been removed.