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🇨🇭 Find Swiss Canton by abbreviation or name


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🇨🇭 js-swiss-cantons


Find any Swiss canton by its abbreviation, name, or by the zipcode of any Swiss city. (This is a port of php-swiss-cantons)

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


In order to work on this package you should have npm, yarn and ava installed globally.

git clone


You should install the package with yarn or npm in your project.

npm install @stefanzweifel/js-swiss-cantons


There are 3 classes available in this package, with varying precision and tradeoffs:

  • CantonManager
  • ZipcodeSearch
  • ZipcodeSearchSimple


Currently there are two methods available on the CantonManager Class: getByAbbreviation and getByName.

import CantonManager from '@stefanzweifel/js-swiss-cantons';

let manager = new CantonManager();
let canton = manager.getByAbbreviation('SH');
let canton = manager.getByName('Schaffhausen');

  canton.setLanguage('de').getName() // Schaffhausen


The ZipcodeSearch class can be used to find cantons by zipcode, be careful, it imports the entire zipcode dataset (~290kb).

import ZipcodeSearch from '@stefanzweifel/js-swiss-cantons/src/ZipcodeSearch';

let search = new ZipcodeSearch();

let location = search.findbyZipcode('1201'); // Search by string
let location = search.findbyZipcode(8001); // Search by number

// Returns an object of the locality:
// {
//   "city_name": "Zürich",
//   "zipcode": 8001,
//   "community_name": "Zürich",
//   "canton": "ZH"
// }

You can also retrieve the whole dataset like this:
let locations = search.getDataSet();


The ZipcodeSearchSimple class can be used to find cantons by zipcode, it imports much less data: 2.9Kb. The tradeoff is that it will find cantons for non-existent zipcodes, such as 5800, for which it will return SO, even though no city has that zipcode in Switzerland. This is because it searches for a canton in a range of zipcodes. For example, all zipcodes between 8001 and 8109 will return ZH, after which it will return AG until 8112. If you want more precision and/or data, use ZipcodeSearch instead.

import ZipcodeSearchSimple from '@stefanzweifel/js-swiss-cantons/src/ZipcodeSearchSimple';

let search = new ZipcodeSearchSimple();

let location = search.findbyZipcode('1201'); // Search by string
let location = search.findbyZipcode(8001); // Search by number

// Returns a string
// 'GE'
// 'ZH'

End with an example of getting some data out of the system or using it for a little demo

Running the tests

Tests are written with ava.

npm run test


npm update patch | minor | major
npm publish

Built With

  • ava - Test Framework
  • nyc - Code Coverage


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
