Stafi is:
- The First Decentralized Protocol Unlocking Liquidity of Staked Assets
The protocol of Stafi is created by Substrate and adopts Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS), which complete Staking by setting up Staking Contracts in the upper layer to communicate with public chains. The Staking process is immune to Stafi’s contracts, for the latter act as the account book during Staking. Tokens staked through contracts will be written in the contracts and finally be locked-up on the original chain.
Now we are mainly testing the functions of block generation, transfer, staking, etc. And this is to prepare for the POA(Supports staking, not transfer). We will open the Staking Contracts code later when we are ready.
git clone
cd stafi-node
cd stafi-node
git pull
cargo build --release
./target/release/stafi --chain=testnet
You can see your node on telemetry (set a custom name with --name "my custom name"
You can check node status on Stafi-apps.