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Stake is an unofficial Python client for the Stake trading platform.

This library wraps the current Stake RPC api and allows common trade operations, such as submitting buy/sell requests, checking your portfolio etc...

Please note that, at the current stage, the Stake client is asynchronous.


pip install stake


After you install the package, you will need to authenticate to Stake in order to get authorization to interact with your account. In order to successfully issue requests to the Stake platform you will need to authenticate to it. Every requests to the Stake endpoints will need to contain a Stake-Session-Token in the request headers.

Using an existing Session-Token

You can retrieve one of these Stake-Session-Token by using the developer tools in your browser (Network tab) and inspecting some of the request headers sent to some of the host. (For example, click on the wishlist of dashboard links to see some session-token authenticated requests)

They are usually valid for 30 days (be sure to enable that checkbox on login) and seem to get refreshed before expiry so you should be good to use them directly.

If you already have an existing token you can pass it on to the StakeClient as such:

from stake import StakeClient, SessionTokenLoginRequest, CredentialsLoginRequest
import asyncio

login_request = SessionTokenLoginRequest()
async def print_user():
    async with StakeClient(login_request) as stake_session:

NOTE: The default value of the token is read from the STAKE_TOKEN environment variable. If you have that env-var set you should be able to just use: async with StakeClient() as stake_session: ...

Login with your credentials

If you prefer to pass in your username/password credentials to login instead, it's easy to do:

If you do not have two-factor authentication enabled:

from stake import StakeClient, SessionTokenLoginRequest, CredentialsLoginRequest
import asyncio

login_request = CredentialsLoginRequest(
    username="", # os.getenv("STAKE_USER") by default
    password="yoursecretpassword") # os.getenv("STAKE_PASS") by default

async def print_user(request: CredentialsLoginRequest):
    async with StakeClient(request) as stake_session:

If you have two-factor authentication enabled:

In this case you need to have your phone around, get the current code from the authenticator app and add it to the CredentialsLoginRequest as such:

    login_request = CredentialsLoginRequest(username="",password="yoursecretpassword",

Obviously, this can become a bit inconvenient, since you will need to provide the otp code every time you instantiate a new StakeClient instance. Therefore, you could probably authenticate once with your credentials, retrieve the session token from the headers(stake_session.headers.stake_session_token), and store it in the STAKE_TOKEN env-var for subsequent usages.


With stake-python you can do most of the operations that are available through the web app.

Here are some examples:

Display the contents of your portfolio

import stake
import asyncio

async def show_portfolio():
    # here the client will use the STAKE_TOKEN env var for authenticating
    async with stake.StakeClient() as stake_session:
        my_equities = await stake_session.equities.list()
        for my_equity in my_equities.equity_positions:
            print(my_equity.symbol, my_equity.yearly_return_value)
        return my_equities

Which will return something like:

AAPL 80.48
ADBE 251.35
GOOG 559.89
GRPN -13.77
HTZ -10.52
MSFT 97.14
NFLX 263.55
NIO 17.3
NVDA 410.04
OKTA 96.31
SHOP 690.68
SPOT 142.88
SQ 101.75
TQQQ 115.82
TSLA 402.37
VGT 130.08
ZM 331.1

Buy/Sell shares

You can send buy/sell orders to the platform quite easily by just issuing trade requests. Please check the module for more details.

import asyncio
import stake

async def example_limit_buy():
    symbol = "UNKN" # should be the equity symbol, for ex: AAPL, TSLA, GOOGL
    async with stake.StakeClient() as stake_session:
        return await
            stake.LimitBuyRequest(symbol=symbol, limitPrice=10, quantity=1000)

To perform multiple requests at once you can use an asyncio.gather operation to run all the buy trades in parallel.

import asyncio
import stake

async def example_stop_sell(symbol='TSLA'):
    """THis example will add a stop sell request for one of your equities"""
    async with stake.StakeClient() as stake_session:
        my_equities = await stake_session.equities.list()
        tsla_equity = [equity for equity in my_equities.equity_positions if equity.symbol == symbol][0]
        stop_price = round(tsla_equity.market_price - 0.025 * tsla_equity.market_price)
        stop_sell_request = stake.StopSellRequest(symbol=tsla_equity.symbol,
                                                  comment="My stop sell.",
        return await stake_session.trades.sell(request=stop_sell_request)'MSFT'))


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