VUE4j is A Python-based data extraction tool & Neo4j integration for VUE, a graph/concept-mapping interface.
Using VUE4j, node and link data from .vue source files can be extracted and translated into Neo4j instances, allowing for the handling of VUE maps as graph databases (and vice versa).
To get started with VUE4j, simply add the package with your preferred installer:
pip install vue4j
easy_install vue4j
VUE4j implements a customized file reader, which must be passed a valid .vue file:
from vue4j import VUE4j
vue = VUE4j('your_vue_map.vue')
Instances of the VUE class make it easy to list nodes & links in any VUE map:
# Get nodes by ID & title
node_list = vue.nodes(verbose=True)
# Print a table view of graph edges
edge_table = vue.links(verbose=True)
VUE4j can also insert graph data into Neo4j:
from py2neo import authenticate
config = {
'host_port': 'localhost:7474',
'user_name': 'your_username', # default: neo4j
'password': 'your_password' # default: neo4j
graph = vue.to_neo4j()
assert vue.confirm_transaction(graph)
If starting from a fresh Neo4j instance, confirm the VUE data import via vue.confirm_transaction(G)
Initial release. Known bugs: does not yet work for resource-heavy VUE maps (e.g. many external links/files)
VUE4j was written by Steven Salka
VUE4j is published under the MIT License