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Tyler Keating edited this page Apr 2, 2015 · 13 revisions

Hosting Weekly Meetings

Meetings are held weekly on IRC (#sproutcore) at 15:00UTC.

Meeting Template

The following is the template for running a meeting.


#topic Today's agenda

Each meeting should start with the agenda. The chair should simply paste the list of agenda items that were captured from last meeting and that came in via email over the week so that everyone can review the agenda before we start. Each agenda should start with a Review of Previous Minutes and should include a Notes from the Core topic.

Once the list is pasted, the chair starts the first topic and opens the floor for updates.


#topic This Week's Agenda
#info Community Project Checkin
#info - Website, Build Tools, SC.TableView, New Guides, TodosMVC, Responsive Docs page, Community Learning App
#info Quick Decision Topics
#info - Open floor for any “hey let’s figure this small thing out right now” topics.
#info Notes from the Core
#info Review of Previous Minutes
#info New Business & Open Discussion
#info - Please respond to the weekly meeting announcement e-mail to propose additions for next week.
#info Next Weeks Agenda
#link (last meetings minutes)

Note: You can pull the last meeting minutes link above from the reminder e-mail that goes out.

#topic Community Project Checkin

There are quite a few community projects at the moment

#topic Quick Decision Topics

This is a standing topic for anyone to throw out very quick topics that need an answer/vote. Discussions should be limited to 2-3 minutes.

#topic Notes from the Core

This standing topic is a chance for anybody working on the framework directly to share what they are doing so that everyone is aware. For example, this may a good time for core developers to share some debugging they've done or some processes they've discovered.

#topic insert agenda item here

#topic Review of Previous Minutes

The chair will ask each person with a previous action item to paste an update on their item. The format should be,

#info Update - '_short title of action_': _the person's update on the action_.

For example,

#info Update - 'Check out cost of alternate domain host': I checked their website and it seems to be more expensive.  No further action is required.

If the item is incomplete, it should be re-actioned to the same or a new person until it is complete and can be taken off the agenda.

#topic New Business & Open Discussion

Participants should have replied to last weeks announcement e-mail if they have any topics they want added.

#topic Next Weeks Agenda

Add a #info for any topics for next week.


#topic Next Meeting's Agenda
#info Community Project Checkin
#info - Website, Build Tools, SC.TableView, New Guides, TodosMVC, Responsive Docs page, Community Learning app
#info Quick Decision Topics
#info - Open floor for any “hey let’s figure this small thing out right now” topics.
#info Notes from the Core
#info Review of Previous Minutes
#info New Business & Open Discussion
#info - Please respond to the weekly meeting announcement e-mail to propose additions for next week.


Housekeeping Guide

  • Only the chair is able to set the topic, start and end meetings.

  • Any member can add actions with #action. The format should be:

      #action nickname To do some action.
  • Any member can provide information items with #info. The format should be:

      #info Some information.