Deployment libraries for Spinnaker.
This project requires JDK7 or higher to build. There is JVM bug affecting some JDK versions, so ensure you are using 7u60 or below, or 7u72 or above (or 8u5 or below/8u220 and above)
Build a tar of the kato-web module:
./gradlew clean build :kato-web:distTar
Copy the tar to your target servers:
scp kato-web/build/distributions/*.tar <user>@<host>:/path/to/where/kato/lives
SSH to your target server and untar:
cd /path/to/where/kato/lives; tar xvf kato-web-1.3.xx.tar
Export your AWS access keys as environment variables a la:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxx; export AWS_SECRET_KEY=xxx
Start Kato from the start script:
cd /path/to/where/kato/lives/kato-web-1.3.xx/bin/kato-web
– should start and bind on port 8501.
Start an instance of Kato and point to /manual/index.html
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See LICENSE.txt for more information.