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decent_exposure helps you program to an interface, rather than an implementation in your Rails controllers.

Sharing state via instance variables in controllers promotes close coupling with views. decent_exposure gives you a declarative manner of exposing an interface to the state that controllers contain, thereby decreasing coupling and improving your testability and overall design. I elaborate on this approach in A Diatribe on Maintaining State.


gem install decent_exposure

Configure your Rails 2.X application to use it:

In config/environment.rb:

config.gem 'decent_exposure'

When used in Rails 3:

In Gemfile:

gem 'decent_exposure'



Ryan Bates has a Railscasts episode covering decent_exposure. If you're just getting started or just enjoy screencasts (Ryan's are always great), you can check it out here: Railscasts - Decent Exposure.

A full example

The wiki has a full example of converting a classic-style Rails controller.

In your controllers

When no block is given, expose attempts to determine which resource you want to acquire. When params contains :category_id or :id, a call to:


Would result in the following ActiveRecord#find:


As the example shows, the symbol passed is used to guess the class name of the object (and potentially the params key to find it with) you want an instance of.

Should params not contain an identifiable id, a call to:


Will instead attempt to build a new instance of the object like so:[:category])

If you define a collection with a pluralized name of the singular resource, decent_exposure will attempt to use it to scope its calls from. Let's take the following scenario:

class ProductsController < ApplicationController
  expose(:products) { category.products }

The product resource would scope from the products collection via a fully-expanded query equivalent to this:


or (depending on the contents of the params hash) this:


In the straightforward case, the three exposed resources above provide for access to both the primary and ancestor resources in a way usable across all 7 actions in a typicall Rails-style RESTful controller.

A Note on Style

When the code has become complex enough to surpass a single line (and is not appropriate to extract into a model method), use the do...end style of block:

expose(:associated_products) do
  product.associated.tap do |associated_products|
    present(associated_products, :with => AssociatedProductPresenter)

In your views

Use the product of those assignments like you would an instance variable or any other method you might normally have access to:

= render bread_crumbs_for(category)
%h3#product_title= product.title
= render product
%h3 Associated Products
  - associated_products.each do |associated_product|
  %li= link_to(associated_product.title,product_path(associated_product))

Custom defaults

decent_exposure provides opinionated default logic when expose is invoked without a block. It's possible, however, to override this with custom default logic by passing a block accepting a single argument to the default_exposure method inside of a controller. The argument will be the string or symbol passed in to the expose call.

class MyController < ApplicationController
  default_exposure do |name|

The given block will be invoked in the context of a controller instance. It is possible to provide a custom default for a descendant class without disturbing its ancestor classes in an inheritance heirachy.


This is a simple tool, which provides a solitary solution. It must be used in conjunction with solid design approaches ("Program to an interface, not an implementation.") and accepted best practices (e.g. Fat Model, Skinny Controller). In itself, it won't heal a bad design. It is meant only to be a tool to use in improving the overall design of a Ruby on Rails system and moreover to provide a standard implementation for an emerging best practice.


Running specs

decent_exposure has been developed with the philosophy that Ruby developers shouldn't force their choice in RubyGems package managers on people consuming their code. As a side effect of that, if you attempt to run the specs on this application, you might get no such file to load errors. The short answer is that you can export RUBYOPT='rubygems' and be on about your way (for the long answer, see Ryan Tomayko's excellent treatise on the subject).


Thanks to everyone that's helped out with decent_exposure! You can see a full list here:


A helper for creating declarative interfaces in controllers







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