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Easy automation with MQTT and/or openHAB

HABApp is a asyncio/multithread application that connects to an openHAB instance and/or a MQTT broker. It is possible to create rules that listen to events from these instances and then react accordingly.


The goal of this application is to provide a simple way to create home automation rules in python. With full syntax highlighting and descriptive names it should almost never be required to look something up in the documentation


The documentation can be found at here

Help out

HABApp was created for my own use, but I wanted others to profit from it, too. Creating, maintaining and developing it takes a lot of time. If you think this is a great tool and want to support it you can donate, so I can buy some more coffee to keep development going. 😉

Donate with PayPal

All donations are greatly appreciated!


MQTT Rule example

import datetime
import random

import HABApp
from HABApp.mqtt.items import MqttItem
from import ValueChangeEvent, ValueChangeEventFilter, ValueUpdateEvent, ValueUpdateEventFilter

class ExampleMqttTestRule(HABApp.Rule):
    def __init__(self):

        # this will trigger every time a message is received under "test/test"
        self.listen_event('test/test', self.topic_updated, ValueUpdateEventFilter())

        # This will create an item which will store the payload of the topic so it can be accessed later.
        self.item = MqttItem.get_create_item('test/value_stored')
        # Since the payload is now stored we can trigger only if the value has changed
        self.item.listen_event(self.item_topic_updated, ValueChangeEventFilter())

    def publish_rand_value(self):
        print('test mqtt_publish')
        self.mqtt.publish('test/test', str(random.randint(0, 1000)))

    def topic_updated(self, event: ValueUpdateEvent):
        assert isinstance(event, ValueUpdateEvent), type(event)
        print( f'mqtt topic "test/test" updated to {event.value}')

    def item_topic_updated(self, event: ValueChangeEvent):
        print(self.item.value)  # will output the current item value
        print( f'mqtt topic "test/value_stored" changed from {event.old_value} to {event.value}')


openHAB rule example

import HABApp
from import ValueUpdateEvent, ValueChangeEvent, ValueChangeEventFilter, ValueUpdateEventFilter
from import ItemCommandEvent, ItemStateUpdatedEventFilter, ItemCommandEventFilter, \

class MyOpenhabRule(HABApp.Rule):

  def __init__(self):

    # Trigger on item updates
    self.listen_event('TestContact', self.item_state_update, ItemStateUpdatedEventFilter())
    self.listen_event('TestDateTime', self.item_state_update, ValueUpdateEventFilter())

    # Trigger on item changes
    self.listen_event('TestDateTime', self.item_state_change, ItemStateChangedEventFilter())
    self.listen_event('TestSwitch', self.item_state_change, ValueChangeEventFilter())

    # Trigger on item commands
    self.listen_event('TestSwitch', self.item_command, ItemCommandEventFilter())

  def item_state_update(self, event: ValueUpdateEvent):
    assert isinstance(event, ValueUpdateEvent)

  def item_state_change(self, event: ValueChangeEvent):
    assert isinstance(event, ValueChangeEvent)

    # interaction is available through self.openHAB or self.oh
    self.openhab.send_command('TestItemCommand', 'ON')

  def item_command(self, event: ItemCommandEvent):
    assert isinstance(event, ItemCommandEvent)

    # interaction is available through self.openhab or self.oh
    self.oh.post_update('TestItemUpdate', 123)



24.08.1 (2024-08-02)

  • Fixed a possible infinite loop during thing re-sync

24.08.0 (2024-08-01)

  • Fixed an issue with thing re-sync
  • Updated number parsing logic
  • ItemTimeSeriesEvent gets ignored
  • Removed verbose error messages when openHAB server disconnects
  • Updated dependencies
  • Reformatted some files

24.02.0 (2024-02-14)

  • For openHAB >= 4.1 it's possible to wait for a minimum openHAB uptime before connecting (defaults to 60s)
  • Renamed config entry mqtt.connection.client_id to identifier (backwards compatible)
  • ItemTimeSeriesUpdatedEvent gets ignored
  • Updated dependencies
  • Updated docs

24.01.0 (2024-01-08)

  • Added HABApp.util.RateLimiter
  • Added CompressedMidnightRotatingFileHandler
  • Updated dependencies
  • Small improvement for RGB and HSB types
  • Small improvements for openHAB items
  • Added toggle for SwitchItem

23.11.0 (2023-11-23)

  • Fix for very small float values (#425)
  • Fix for writing to persistence (#424)
  • Updated dependencies

23.09.2 (2023-09-24)

  • Made channel type on a Thing optional (#416)
  • Fixed an issue with mqtt publish and reconnect

23.09.1 (2023-09-18)

  • Log a warning for broken links between items and things
  • Fix CI

23.09.0 (2023-09-12)

  • Switched version number scheme to CalVer (Calendar Versioning): YEAR.MONTH.COUNTER
  • Fail fast when a value instead of a callback is passed to the event listener / scheduler
  • Completely removed types and type hints from traceback
  • Completely reworked connection logic for openHAB and mqtt
  • Added support for transformations
  • Updated dependencies:
    • Improved performance
    • Support for docker secrets and environment variables in the config file
  • Support sending scheduler datetimes to an item
  • Search in the docs finally works again
  • Updated dependencies

1.1.2 (2023-06-19)

  • Re-added ItemStateEventFilter
  • Improved parsing of DateTime values

1.1.1 (2023-06-16)

  • Fixed a bug where the rule context was not found

1.1.0 (2023-06-15)

This is a breaking change!

  • Renamed GroupItemStateChangedEvent to GroupStateChangedEvent
  • Groups issue a GroupStateUpdateEvent when the state updates on OH3 (consistent with OH4 behavior)
  • Groups work now with ValueUpdateEvent and ValueChangedEvent as expected
  • Renamed ItemStateEvent to ItemStateUpdatedEvent
  • Ignored ItemStateEvent on OH4
  • Fewer warnings for long-running functions (execution of <FUNC_NAME> took too long)
  • Thing status and status_detail are now an Enum
  • Added status_detail to Thing
  • LocationItem now provides the location as a tuple
  • Added support for Point events
  • Improved item sync from openHAB (no more false item state None after startup)
  • Improved startup behavior when openHAB and HABApp get started together (e.g. after reboot)
  • Fixed an issue with short tracebacks for HABApp internal files
  • Doc improvements

1.0.8 (2023-02-09)

  • Fixed an issue when using token based authentication with openHAB
  • Fixed an issue with the asyncio event loop under Python < 3.10

1.0.7 (2023-02-09)

  • ContactItem has open()/closed() methods
  • Setting persistence values now works for some persistence services
  • Don't connect when user/password is missing for openHAB

1.0.6 (2022-11-08)

  • Added log message if item for ping does not exist
  • Added execute_python and reworked execute_subprocess: HABApp will now by default pass only the captured output as a str into the callback.
  • Reworked Thing handling

1.0.5 (2022-10-20)

  • Added new item function post_value_if and oh_post_update_if to conditionally update an item
  • Added support for new alive event with openHAB 3.4
  • Reworked file writer for textual thing config
  • Added support for ThingConfigStatusInfoEvent
  • MultiModeValue returns True/False if item value was changed
  • Updated dependencies

1.0.4 (2022-08-25)

  • New RGB & HSB datatype for simpler color handling
  • Fixed Docker build
  • Bugfixes

1.0.3 (2022-08-09)

  • OpenHAB Thing can now be enabled/disabled with thing.set_enabled()
  • ClientID for MQTT should now be unique for every HABApp installation
  • Reworked MultiModeItem, now a default value is possible when no mode is active
  • Added some type hints and updated documentation

1.0.2 (2022-07-29)

  • Fixed setup issues
  • Fixed unnecessary long tracebacks

1.0.1 (2022-07-25)

  • Dockerfile is Python 3.10 and non slim

1.0.0 (2022-07-25)

  • OpenHAB >= 3.3 and Python >= 3.8 only!
  • Major internal refactoring
  • Startup issues are gone with a new and improved connection mechanism.
  • New configuration library: More settings can be configured in the configuration file. Config values are also described in the docs. Also better error messages (hopefully)
  • Improved event log performance (BufferEventFile no longer needed and should be removed)
  • Improved openhab performance (added some buffers)
  • Improved mqtt performance
  • Better tracebacks in case of error
  • EventFilters can be logically combined ("and", "or") so rules trigger only once
  • Label, Groups and Metadata is part of the OpenhabItem and can easily be accessed
  • Added possibility to run arbitrary user code before the HABApp configuration is loaded
  • Fixed setup issues
  • Fixed some known bugs and introduced new ones ;-)
  • Docker file changed to a multi stage build. Mount points changed to /habapp/config.

Migration to new version

self.listen_event now requires an instance of EventFilter.


from import ValueUpdateEvent
self.my_sensor = Item.get_item('my_sensor')
self.my_sensor.listen_event(self.movement, ValueUpdateEvent)


from import ValueUpdateEventFilter
self.my_sensor = Item.get_item('my_sensor')
self.my_sensor.listen_event(self.movement, ValueUpdateEventFilter())   # <-- Instance of EventFilter
  ValueUpdateEvent -> ValueUpdateEventFilter()
  ValueChangeEvent -> ValueChangeEventFilter()

  ItemStateEvent        -> ItemStateEventFilter()
  ItemStateChangedEvent -> ItemStateChangedEventFilter()
  ItemCommandEvent      -> ItemCommandEventFilter()

  MqttValueUpdateEvent -> MqttValueUpdateEventFilter()
  MqttValueChangeEvent -> MqttValueChangeEventFilter()

Migration to new docker image

  • change the mount point of the config from /config to /habapp/config
  • The new image doesn't run as root. You can set USER_ID and GROUP_ID to the user you want habapp to run with. It's necessary to modify the permissions of the mounted folder accordingly.

0.31.2 (2021-12-17)

  • Added command line switch to display debug information
  • Display debug information on missing dependencies
  • Added a small splash screen when HABApp is started
  • May doc updates
  • Reworked EventListenerGroup

0.31.1 (2021-10-29)

  • Added support for item metadata
  • Added possibility to search for items by metadata
  • Added EventListenerGroup to subscribe/cancel multiple listeners at once

0.31.0 (2021-10-08)

  • added self.get_items to easily search for items in a rule
  • added full support for tags and groups on OpenhabItem
  • Application should now properly shut down when there is a PermissionError
  • Added DatetimeItem to docs
  • Label in commandOption is optional
  • Added message when file is removed
  • Examples in the docs get checked with a newly created sphinx extension
  • Reworked the openHAB tests

0.30.3 (2021-06-17)

  • add support for custom ca cert for MQTT
  • Scheduler runs only when the rule file has been loaded properly
  • Sync openHAB calls raise an error when called from an async context
  • Replaced thread check for asyncio with a contextvar (internal)

0.30.3 (2021-06-01)

  • Scheduler runs only when the rule file has been loaded properly
  • Replaced thread check for asyncio with a contextvar
  • Sync openHAB calls raise an error when called from an async context

0.30.2 (2021-05-26)

  • Item and Thing loading from openHAB is more robust and disconnects now properly if openHAB is only partly ready
  • Renamed command line argument "-s" to "-wos" or "--wait_os_uptime"
  • Updated dependencies

0.30.1 (2021-05-07)

  • latitude is now set correctly for sunrise/sunset calculation (closes #217)
  • Added missing " for tags in textual thing configuration
  • Updated scheduler which fixes an overflow error(#216)
  • States of openHAB groups are now unpacked correctly

0.30.0 (2021-05-02)


  • No more support for python 3.6!
  • Migration of rules is needed!


  • Switched to Apache2.0 License
  • Fix DateTime string parsing for OH 3.1 (#214)
  • State of Groupitem gets set correctly
  • About ~50% performance increase for async calls in rules
  • Significantly less CPU usage when no functions are running
  • Completely reworked the file handling (loading and dependency resolution)
  • Completely reworked the Scheduler!
    • Has now subsecond accuracy (finally!)
    • Has a new .countdown() job which can simplify many rules. It is made for functions that do something after a certain period of time (e.g. switch a light off after movement)
  • Added hsb_to_rgb, rgb_to_hsb functions which can be used in rules
  • Better error message if configured foldes overlap with HABApp folders
  • Renamed HABAppError to HABAppException
  • Some Doc improvements

Migration of rules:

  • Search for self.run_ and replace with
  • Search for and replace with
  • Search for .get_next_call() and replace with .get_next_run() (But make sure it's a scheduled job)
  • Search for HABAppError and replace with HABAppException

0.20.2 (2021-04-07)

  • Added HABApp.util.functions with min/max
  • Reworked small parts of the file watcher
  • Doc improvements
  • Dependency updates