This is an experimental library currently under development. Use with caution and submit PRs for fixes and enhancements.
A Firebase stub useful for unit testing.
npm install mockfirebase
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Works by default with IE 9 and up. To add support for older versions, just include polyfills for Function.prototype.bind, Array.prototype.indexOf, and Array.prototype.forEach.
Jasmine tests will run in the browser without any configuration. To add support for any other test suite (e.g. Mocha), just include sinon.js in the browser script tags, Karma config, etc.
MockFirebase is designed to be used synchronously or asynchronously for unit testing by allowing you complete
control over when each event is triggered, via the flush()
var fb = new MockFirebase(ANY_URLISH_STRING); // loads the default data
var spy = sinon.spy();
fb.on('value', spy);
fb.set({ foo: 'bar' });
expect(spy.called); // it is!
expect(spy.called); // it is!
See angularFire's unit tests for examples of the MockFirebase in action.
You can specify the default data to be used by setting MockFirebase.DEFAULT_DATA
to an object. You can also
specify data per-instance by adding a second arg to the constructor: new MockFirebase(ANY_URLISH_STRING, dataToUse);
All the regular Firebase methods are(?) supported. In addition, the following test-related methods exist:
@param {boolean|int} [delay] in milliseconds
@returns {MockFirebase}
Invoke all the operations that have been queued thus far. If a numeric delay is specified, this occurs asynchronously. Otherwise, it is a synchronous event (at the time flush is called).
This allows Firebase to be used in synchronous tests without waiting for async callbacks. It also provides a rudimentary mechanism for simulating locally cached data (events are triggered synchronously when you do on('value') or on('child_added'))
If you call this multiple times with different delay values, you can invoke the events out of order, as might happen on a network with some latency, or if multiple users update values "simultaneously".
@param {int|boolean} [delay] in milliseconds
Automatically trigger a flush event after each operation. If a numeric delay is specified, this is an asynchronous event. If value is set to true, it is synchronous (flush is triggered immediately). Setting this to false disabled autoFlush
@param {String} methodName currently only supports `set` and `transaction`
@param {String|Error} error
Simulate a failure by specifying that the next invocation of methodName should fail with the provided error.
@returns {*}
Returns a copy of the current data
When writing unit tests, you'll probably want to patch calls to Firebase
in your source code with MockFirebase
If Firebase
is attached to the window
, you can just replace it using the override method:
Make sure to include MockFirebase
before overwriting Firebase and then add your tests after the patch.
In Node/Browserify, you need to patch require
itself. proxyquire and proxyquireify make this easy.
// ./mySrc.js
var Firebase = require('firebase');
var ref = new Firebase('myRefUrl');
ref.on('value', function (snapshot) {
In order to test the above source code, we use proxyquire like this:
// ./test.js
var proxyquire = require('proxyquire');
var mySrc = proxyquire('./mySrc', {
firebase: require('mockfirebase').MockFirebase.autoFlush()
// data is logged
Note that the key in the stubs object matches the module name ('firebase'
) and not the capitalized variable name.
- Fork the repo
- make your additions
- update the version number in package.json and at the top of MockFirebase.js
- submit a pull request.
Use the issues list for questions and troubleshooting help.