This is Yaws, a webserver for dynamic content written in Erlang.
Get and install an Erlang system (
To compile Yaws, Erlang/OTP R17 or higher is required.
If you've cloned the source from github and you want to build using autotools, note there is no ./configure script in the source, so create one:
$> autoreconf -fi
Install build dependencies. Required packages to compile Yaws are (based on debian packages):
- build-essential
- autoconf/automake/libtool
- erlang - Required apps:
- erlang-{kernel/stdlib/sasl/erts}
- erlang-compiler
- erlang-crypto
- erlang-xmerl
- libpam0g-dev
To build the documentation (optional), you also need to install:
- texlive-latex-base
- texlive-latex-recommended
- texlive-fonts-recommended
- texlive-font-utils
- texlive-extra-utils
- ghostscript
On Ubuntu/debian this is pretty much equal to:
$> apt-get build-dep yaws
On MacOS and OS X, be sure the necessary Xcode command-line tools and development environment are set up correctly by running the following command:
xcode-select --install
Finally, to run the testsuites, yaws need to install:
- git
- wget
- curl
- erlang-eunit
- erlang-inets
- erlang-mnesia
- erlang-ssl
- cadaver
You can build using rebar:
$> rebar get-deps compile
or via autotools:
$> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
If using rebar, you'll get a "local installation" with Yaws script in ./bin and the Yaws configuration file in ./etc/yaws.
If using autotools, the build will be configured by default for installation under /usr/local. For more information about installation directories and other supported options, see the configure help. Useful options are:
--with-defaultcharset=CHARSET specify default charset, i.e UTF-8
--with-extrainclude=DIR dir to include if e.g. pam is installed in some odd place
--with-erlang=PREFIX prefix where Erlang is installed (optional)
Note to packagers (rpm, deb ...) All install targets support the DESTDIR variable. Thus, if we do
$> ./configure --prefix=/usr; make
we can subsequently do:
$> make install DESTDIR=/foo/bar
All Yaws files will be installed under DESTDIR, but all code will assume Yaws should be installed under /usr.
Main make targets:
- all : compile Yaws
- debug : compile Yaws with debug flags
- clean : remove files produced by all or debug target
- install : do a proper install of Yaws
- doc or docs : build the documentation
- check or test : launch tests
- cleantest : remove files produced by check target
- dialyzer : run dialyzer on Yaws
- mkinstaller : build an installer for windows
- cleaninstaller: remove files produced by mkinstaller target
- apps : compile Yaws applications (chat,mail,wiki,yapp)
- cleanapps : remove files produced by apps target
- installapps : install Yaws applications
- fullinstall : install + installapps
- fullclean : clean + cleantest + cleanapps + cleaninstaller
With autotools, to test the build, you should install it somewhere:
$> ./configure --prefix=$PWD/_inst && make install
$> $PWD/_inst/bin/yaws -i
If you used rebar to compile Yaws, you can alternatively start Yaws with
$> ./bin/yaws -i
Either approach will start a webserver at Terminate through ^C, or ^G followed by q, or
> init:stop()
NOTE: If you've used rebar to build the system, none of the following directions apply. With rebar only "local installations" are supported.
NOTE: following commands may require root privileges, depending of the installation prefix.
Just run:
$> make install
Then, to run Yaws, you should use its script:
$> ${bindir}/yaws -i
This starts an interactive system.
With the default yaws.conf file, this will create a webserver at http://${host} and one at https://${host}.
You can adapt Yaws configuration by editing '${sysconfig}/yaws/yaws.conf'.
Start it using '--daemon' and '--heart' options:
$> ${bindir}/yaws --daemon --heart
This will start a daemon (--daemon) which will be autorestarted when/if it crashes or hangs (--heart). Also, for most unices, we create proper start scripts in ${sysconfdir}/init.d
Example: Here is how I compile/start the yaws system that runs at (Ubuntu server system)
$> autoreconf -fi
$> ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc
$> make && make install
$> /etc/init.d/yaws start