Wrong resolution of big numbers (at the end) when number + currency #170
Parsing Error
Parser input
two hundred twenty-three million three hundred one thousand two hundred eleven euros
trois cent deux millions quatre cent trente milles deux cent trente euros
Parser output
| ix | log(p) | p | text | value |
| 0 | -0.11813116 | 0.8885795 | two hundred twenty-three million three hundred one thousand two hundred eleven euros | AmountOfMoney(AmountOfMoneyOutput { value: 223301220.0, precision: Exact, unit: Some("EUR") }) |
| ix | log(p) | p | text | value |
| 0 | -1.9776177 | 0.13839854 | trois cent deux millions quatre cent trente milles deux cent trente euros | AmountOfMoney(AmountOfMoneyOutput { value: 302430240.0, precision: Exact, unit: Some("EUR") }) |
Parser expected output (Optional)
| ix | log(p) | p | text | value |
| 0 | -0.11813116 | 0.8885795 | two hundred twenty-three million three hundred one thousand two hundred eleven euros | AmountOfMoney(AmountOfMoneyOutput { value: 223301220.0, precision: Exact, unit: Some("EUR") }) |
| ix | log(p) | p | text | value |
| 0 | -1.9776177 | 0.13839854 | trois cent deux millions quatre cent trente milles deux cent trente euros | AmountOfMoney(AmountOfMoneyOutput { value: 302430230.0, precision: Exact, unit: Some("EUR") }) |