- Renames very fast .
- Permanent Thumbnail support.
- Convert Video To File.
- Convert File To Video.
- Supports Broadcasts.
- Set custom caption.
- Has a custom Start-up pic.
- Force subscribe available.
- Supports unlimited renaming at a time.
- Developer Service 24x7. 🔥
- Get bot token from @BotFatherAPI_ID
- From my.telegram.orgAPI_HASH
- From my.telegram.orgADMIN
- AUTH or bot controllers id's multiple id use space to splitFORCE_SUB
- Force Subscribe Channel name without@. Enable only if you need strict mode.DB_URL
- Mongo Database URL from https://cloud.mongodb.com/DB_NAME
- Your database name from mongoDB.
- Clone the Repo.
git clone https://github.com/KrishnaTG/LazyRenamer
- Move to the Repo Folder in the VPS.
cd Rename-Render
- Inside the cloned folder edit config.py and install the pip, by the following command.
apt install python3-pip
- Make sure you update your directory once you installed pip
apt update && upgrade
- Install the required modules using the following command.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- If you want to run the bot 24x7, then use this command to create a nested virtual environment.
sudo apt install tmux
- If you don't use tmux, then you can directly use this command after the requirements.txt is installed in your VPS.
python3 bot.py
- Star and click on the Use this Template Button.
- Set Your Repo as Private.
- Add your Environmental Variables in the config.py file.
- Go to Render and Create a new web service and turn of Auto Deploy.
- Then scroll down and click on the 'Create Web Service' Button.
- That's it. You're Done.
- Check if the bot is running.
- To view current thumbnail.
- To delete current thumbnail.
- set a custom caption.
- see your custom caption.
- delete custom caption.
- To view list of users, using BOT [FOR ADMINS USE ONLY]
- Message Broadcast command [FOR ADMINS USE ONLY].
- Movies Zone Media. Bot Updates Channel
- Support Group Movies Zone Support. For Bug report.