This repository contains a template for a sample research software project web site.
To view the web site, visit
The site is written in HTML and MarkDown, uses Jekyll templates and is rendered via GitHub pages.
This site is a template - it cannot be used as-is and requires customisation to your specific requirements.
If you wish to use it you should:
- Read, and work through, GitHub pages.
- Clone this repository.
- Edit the configuration settings in
. - Check and, if necessary, update the pages in
. - Check and update every single
Information on cloning, editing, and previewing the web site now follow.
The following sections describe how to edit and preview the web site.
sudo apt-get install -y git
git clone
- Fetch the gh-pages branch, the branch which GitHub pages expects the web pages to be in, and check it out:
cd sample-site
git fetch gh-pages
git origin fetch gh-pages
git fetch origin gh-pages
git checkout gh-pages
It is useful to set up Jekyll on your computer so you can preview your changes before commiting and pushing them.
Install Ruby 2.0+ and Ruby development kit:
sudo apt-get install -y ruby2.0 ruby2.0-dev
Install Ruby bundler Gem:
sudo gem2.0 install bundler
Install gems required by the web site, including the gh-pages gem:
gem install bundler
- Edit pages using your favourite editor.
- Preview how the pages will look on the web site:
bundle exec jekyll serve
- Browse to http://localhost:4000/sample-site
- When happy, commit your changes and push:
git commit -m "... ... ..."
git push origin gh-pages
- Create a pull request from your fork on GitHub to this repository.
- Pages can be written in HTML or MarkDown.
- Level 1 headings (
in HTML and#
in MarkDown) should be avoided on pages.
- MarkDown pages should have a header of the form:
layout: page
title: TITLE
layout: page
title: Example Page
root: .
- Relative links between MarkDown pages are allowed but use a .html suffix e.g.
[Copyright and licence](./CopyrightLicence.html)
- Page-specific contents with links down to sections are supported for
level 2 (
in HTML and##
in MarkDown) headings.
- Put images in sub-directories of assets/.
- Link to them using e.g.
[Some image]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/somedirectory/someimage.jpg)
- For inline images:
![Image description]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/somedirectory/someimage.jpg)
Enclose multi-line excerpts in ~~~
- Site map indexes level 2 (
in HTML and##
in MarkDown) and level 3 (<h3>
in HTML and###
in MarkDown) headings.
- Site-wide configuration properties are in _config.yml.
- A configuration property, NAME, can be referenced in a page using:
{{ site.NAME }}
For support, contact {{ }}.
- Project-specific properties can be defined.
- _config.yml baseurl holds the sub-path of the web site. This should match the name of the GitHub project hosting the web site e.g. sample-site.
- Jekyll does not like non-UTF-8 characters. These can be stripped out on Windows using Git Bash, via:
# Purge the characters.
iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-8 -c >
# Compare the files to see what was replaced.