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Python Tracker v0.6

Mike Jongbloet edited this page Jan 11, 2021 · 7 revisions

This documentation is for an old version of this tracker!

🚧 The documentation for the latest version can be found on the Snowplow documentation site.

This page refers to version 0.6.0 of the Snowplow Python Tracker.


1. Overview

The Snowplow Python Tracker allows you to track Snowplow events from your Python apps and games.

The tracker should be straightforward to use if you are comfortable with Python development; any prior experience with Snowplow's JavaScript Tracker or Lua Tracker, Google Analytics or Mixpanel (which have similar APIs to Snowplow) is helpful but not necessary.

Note that this tracker has access to a more restricted set of Snowplow events than the JavaScript Tracker and covers almost all the events from the Lua Tracker.

There are three basic types of object you will create when using the Snowplow Python Tracker: subjects, emitters, and trackers.

A subject represents a user whose events are tracked. A tracker constructs events and sends them to one or more emitters. Each emitter then sends the event to the endpoint you configure. This will usually be a Snowplow collector, but could also be a Redis database or Celery task queue.

A note on compatibility

Version 0.6.0 of the Python Tracker sends POST requests and custom contexts in a format which earlier versions of Snowplow don't accept. If you wish to send POST requests or custom contexts, you must be using Snowplow version 0.9.14 or later.

2 Initialization

Assuming you have completed the Python Tracker Setup for your Python project, you are now ready to initialize the Python Tracker.

2.1 Importing the module

Require the Python Tracker's module into your Python code like so:

from snowplow_tracker import Subject, Tracker, Emitter

That's it - you are now ready to initialize a tracker instance.

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2.2 Creating a tracker

The simplest tracker initialization only requires you to provide the URI of the collector to which the tracker will log events:

e = Emitter("")
t = Tracker(e)

There are other optional keyword arguments:

Argument Name Description Required? Default
emitters The emitter to which events are sent Yes None
subject The user being tracked No subject.Subject()
namespace The name of the tracker instance No None
app_id The application ID No None
encode_base64 Whether to enable base 64 encoding No True

A more complete example:

tracker = Tracker( Emitter("") , namespace="cf", app_id="cf29ea", encode_base64=False)

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2.2.1 emitters

This can be a single emitter or an array containing at least one emitter. The tracker will send events to these emitters, which will in turn send them to a collector. See Emitters for more on emitter configuration.

2.2.2 subject

The user which the Tracker will track. This should be an instance of the Subject class. You don't need to set this during Tracker construction; you can use the Tracker.set_subject method afterwards. In fact, you don't need to create a subject at all. If you don't, though, your events won't contain user-specific data such as timezone and language.

2.2.3 namespace

If provided, the namespace argument will be attached to every event fired by the new tracker. This allows you to later identify which tracker fired which event if you have multiple trackers running.

2.2.4 app_id

The app_id argument lets you set the application ID to any string.

2.2.5 encode_base64

By default, unstructured events and custom contexts are encoded into Base64 to ensure that no data is lost or corrupted. You can turn encoding on or off using the Boolean encode_base64 argument.

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3. Adding extra data: The Subject class

You may have additional information about your application's environment, current user and so on, which you want to send to Snowplow with each event.

Create a subject like this:

from snowplow_tracker import Subject
s = subject()

The Subject class has a set of set...() methods to attach extra data relating to the user to all tracked events:

If you initialize a Tracker instance without a subject, a default Subject instance will be attached to the tracker. You can access that subject like this:

t = Tracker(my_emitter)

We will discuss each of these in turn below:

3.1 Change the tracker's platform with set_platform

The default platform is "pc". You can change the platform the subject is using by calling:

s.set_platform( {{PLATFORM}} )

For example:

s.set_platform("tv") # Running on a Connected TV

For a full list of supported platforms, please see the Snowplow Tracker Protocol.

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3.2 Set user ID with set_user_id

You can set the user ID to any string:

s.set_user_id( "{{USER ID}}" )



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3.3 Set screen resolution with set_screen_resolution

If your Python code has access to the device's screen resolution, then you can pass this in to Snowplow too:

s.set_screen_resolution( {{WIDTH}}, {{HEIGHT}} )

Both numbers should be positive integers; note the order is width followed by height. Example:

s.set_screen_resolution(1366, 768)

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3.4 Set viewport dimensions with set_viewport

If your Python code has access to the viewport dimensions, then you can pass this in to Snowplow too:

s.set_viewport( {{WIDTH}}, {{HEIGHT}} )

Both numbers should be positive integers; note the order is width followed by height. Example:

s.set_viewport(300, 200)

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3.5 Set color depth with set_color_depth

If your Python code has access to the bit depth of the device's color palette for displaying images, then you can pass this in to Snowplow too:

s.set_color_depth( {{BITS PER PIXEL}} )

The number should be a positive integer, in bits per pixel. Example:


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3.6 Set timezone with set_timezone

This method lets you pass a user's timezone in to Snowplow:

s.timezone( {{TIMEZONE}} )

The timezone should be a string:


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3.7 Set the language with set_lang

This method lets you pass a user's language in to Snowplow:

s.set_lang( {{LANGUAGE}} )

The language should be a string:


3.8 Setting the IP address with set_ip_address

If you have access to the user's IP address, you can set it like this:


3.9 Setting the useragent with set_ip_address

If you have access to the user's useragent (sometimes called "browser string"), you can set it like this:

tracker.set_useragent('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0')

3.10 Setting the domain user ID with set_domain_user_id

The domain_userid field of the Snowplow event model corresponds to the ID stored in the first party cookie set by the Snowplow JavaScript Tracker. If you want to match up server-side events with client-side events, you can set the domain user ID for server-side events like this:


You can extract the domain user ID from the cookies of a request using the get_domain_user_id function below. The request argument is the Django request object.

Note that this function has not been tested.

import re
def snowplow_cookie(request):
    for name in request.COOKIES:
        if re.match(r"_sp_id", name) != None:
           return request.COOKIES[name]
    return None

def get_domain_user_id(request):
    cookie = snowplow_cookie(request)
    if cookie != None:
        return cookie.split(".")[0]

If you used the "cookieName" configuration option of the Snowplow JavaScript Tracker, replace "sp" with the same string you passed as the cookieName.

3.11 Setting the network user ID with set_network_user_id

The network_user_id field of the Snowplow event model corresponds to the ID stored in the third party cookie set by the Snowplow Clojure Collector. You can set the network user ID for server-side events like this:


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3.7 Tracking multiple subjects

You may want to track more than one subject concurrently. To avoid data about one subject being added to events pertaining to another subject, create two subject instances and switch between them using Tracker.set_subject:

from snowplow_tracker import Subject, Emitter, Tracker

# Create a simple Emitter which will log events to
e = Emitter("")

# Create a Tracker instance
t = Tracker(emitters=e, namespace="cf", app_id="CF63A")

# Create a Subject corresponding to a pc user
s1 = Subject()

# Set some data for that user

# Set s1 as the tracker subject
# All events fired will have the information we set about s1 attached

# Track user s1 viewing a page

# Create another Subject instance corresponding to a mobile user
s2 = Subject()

# All methods of the Subject class return the Subject instance so methods can be chained:

# Change the tracker subject from s1 to s2
# All events fired will have instead have information we set about s2 attached

# Track user s2 viewing a page

# Switch back to s1 and track a structured event, this time using method chaining:
t.set_subject(s1).track_struct_event("Ecomm", "add-to-basket", "dog-skateboarding-video", "hd", 13.99)

4. Tracking specific events

Snowplow has been built to enable you to track a wide range of events that occur when users interact with your websites and apps. We are constantly growing the range of functions available in order to capture that data more richly.

Tracking methods supported by the Python Tracker at a glance:

Function Description
track_page_view() Track and record views of web pages.
track_ecommerce_transaction() Track an ecommerce transaction
track_screen_view() Track the user viewing a screen within the application
track_struct_event() Track a Snowplow custom structured event
track_unstruct_event() Track a Snowplow custom unstructured event

4.1 Common

All events are tracked with specific methods on the tracker instance, of the form track_XXX(), where XXX is the name of the event to track.

4.1.1 Custom contexts

In short, custom contexts let you add additional information about the circumstances surrounding an event in the form of a Python dictionary object. Each tracking method accepts an additional optional contexts parameter after all the parameters specific to that method:

def track_page_view(self, page_url, page_title=None, referrer=None, context=None, tstamp=None):

The context argument should consist of an array of one or more Python dictionaries. The format of each dictionary is the same as for an unstructured event.

Important: Even if only one custom context is being attached to an event, it still needs to be wrapped in an array.

If a visitor arrives on a page advertising a movie, the context dictionary might look like this:

  "schema": "iglu:com.acme_company/movie_poster/jsonschema/2-1-1",
  "data": {
    "movie_name": "Solaris",
    "poster_country": "JP",
    "poster_year": new Date(1978, 1, 1)

This is how to fire a page view event with the above custom context:

t.track_page_view("", "Homepage", context=[{
  "schema": "iglu:com.acme_company/movie_poster/jsonschema/2-1-1",
  "data": {
    "movie_name": "Solaris",
    "poster_country": "JP",
    "poster_year": new Date(1978, 1, 1)

Note that even though there is only one custom context attached to the event, it still needs to be placed in an array.

Note also that you should not pass in an empty array of contexts as this will fail validation. Instead of an empty array you can pass in None.

4.1.2 Optional timestamp argument

Each track...() method supports an optional timestamp as its final argument; this allows you to manually override the timestamp attached to this event. The timestamp should be in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.

If you do not pass this timestamp in as an argument, then the Python Tracker will use the current time to be the timestamp for the event.

Here is an example tracking a structured event and supplying the optional timestamp argument. We can explicitly supply Nones for the intervening arguments which are empty:

t.track_struct_event("some cat", "save action", None, None, None, 1368725287000)

Alternatively, we can use the argument name:

t.track_struct_event("some cat", "save action", tstamp=1368725287000)

Timestamp is counted in milliseconds since the Unix epoch - the same format as generated by time.time() * 1000.

4.1.3 Tracker method return values

All tracker methods will return the tracker instance, allowing tracker methods to be chained:

e = AsyncEmitter("")
t = Tracker(e)

t.track_page_view("").track_screen_view("title screen")

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4.2 Track screen views with track_screen_view()

Use track_screen_view() to track a user viewing a screen (or equivalent) within your app. Arguments are:

Argument Description Required? Validation
name Human-readable name for this screen No Non-empty string
id_ Unique identifier for this screen No String
context Custom context for the event No List
tstamp When the screen was viewed No Positive integer

Although name and id_ are not individually required, at least one must be provided or the event will fail validation.


t.track_screen_view("HUD > Save Game", "screen23", null, 1368725287000)

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4.3 Track pageviews with track_page_view()

Use track_page_view() to track a user viewing a page within your app. Arguments are:

Argument Description Required? Validation
page_url The URL of the page Yes Non-empty string
page_title The title of the page No String
referrer The address which linked to the page No String
context Custom context for the event No List
tstamp When the pageview occurred No Positive integer


t.track_page_view("", "example", "")

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4.4 Track ecommerce transactions with track-ecommerce-transaction()

Use track_ecommerce_transaction() to track an ecommerce transaction. Arguments:

Argument Description Required? Validation
order_id ID of the eCommerce transaction Yes Non-empty string
total_value Total transaction value Yes Int or Float
affiliation Transaction affiliation No String
tax_value Transaction tax value No Int or Float
shipping Delivery cost charged No Int or Float
city Delivery address city No String
state Delivery address state No String
country Delivery address country No String
`currency Transaction currency No String
items Items in the transaction Yes List
context Custom context for the event No List
tstamp When the transaction event occurred No Positive integer

The items argument is an array of Python dictionaries representing the items in the transaction. track_ecommerce_transaction fires multiple events: one "transaction" event for the transaction as a whole, and one "transaction item" event for each element of the items array. Each transaction item event will have the same timestamp, order_id, and currency as the main transaction event.

These are the fields that can appear in a transaction item dictionary:

Field Description Required? Validation
"sku" Item SKU Yes Non-empty string
"price" Item price Yes Int or Float
"quantity" Item quantity Yes Int
"name" Item name No String
"category" Item category No String
"context" Custom context for the event No List

Example of tracking a transaction containing two items:

t.track_ecommerce_transaction("6a8078be", 35, city="London", currency="GBP", items=
        "sku": "pbz0026",
        "price": 20,
        "quantity": 1
        "sku": "pbz0038",
        "price": 15,
        "quantity": 1

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4.5 Track ecommerce transactions with track_ecommerce_transaction_item()

Use track_ecommerce_transaction_item() to track an individual line item within an ecommerce transaction.


Argument Description Required? Validation
id Order ID Yes Non-empty string
sku Item SKU Yes Non-empty string
price Item price Yes Int or Float
quantity Item quantity Yes Int
name Item name No String
category Item category No String
context Custom context for the event No List
tstamp When the transaction event occurred No Positive integer


t.track_ecommerce_transaction_item("order-789", "2001", 49.99, 1, "Green shoes", "clothing")

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4.6 Track structured events with track_struct_event()

Use track_struct_event() to track a custom event happening in your app which fits the Google Analytics-style structure of having up to five fields (with only the first two required):

Argument Description Required? Validation
category The grouping of structured events which this action belongs to Yes Non-empty string
action Defines the type of user interaction which this event involves Yes Non-empty string
label A string to provide additional dimensions to the event data No String
property A string describing the object or the action performed on it No String
value A value to provide numerical data about the event No Int or Float
context Custom context for the event No List
tstamp When the structured event occurred No Positive integer


t.track_struct_event("shop", "add-to-basket", None, "pcs", 2)

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4.7 Track unstructured events with track_unstruct_event()

Use track_unstruct_event() to track a custom event which consists of a name and an unstructured set of properties. This is useful when:

  • You want to track event types which are proprietary/specific to your business (i.e. not already part of Snowplow), or
  • You want to track events which have unpredictable or frequently changing properties

The arguments are as follows:

Argument Description Required? Validation
event_json The properties of the event Yes Dict
context Custom context for the event No List
tstamp When the unstructured event occurred No Positive integer


  "schema": "com.example_company/save-game/jsonschema/1-0-2",
  "data": {
    "save_id": "4321",
    "level": 23,
    "difficultyLevel": "HARD",
    "dl_content": true

The event_json must be a Python dictionary with two fields: schema and data. data is a flat dictionary containing the properties of the unstructured event. schema identifies the JSON schema against which data should be validated.

For more on JSON schema, see the blog post.

5. Emitters

Tracker instances must be initialized with an emitter. This section will go into more depth about the Emitter class and its subclasses.

5.1 The basic Emitter class

At its most basic, the Emitter class only needs a collector URI:

from snowplow_tracker import Emitter

e = Emitter("")

This is the signature of the constructor for the base Emitter class:

def __init__(self, endpoint,
             protocol="http", port=None, method="get",
             buffer_size=None, on_success=None, on_failure=None):
Argument Description Required? Validation
endpoint The collector URI Yes Dict
protocol Request protocol: HTTP or HTTPS No List
port The port to connect to No Positive integer
method The method to use: "get" or "post" No String
buffer_size Number of events to store before flushing No Positive integer
on_success Callback executed when a flush is successful No Function taking 1 argument
on_failure Callback executed when a flush is unsuccessful No Function taking 2 arguments

protocol defaults to "http" but can also be "https".

When the emitter receives an event, it adds it to a buffer. When the queue is full, all events in the queue get sent to the collector. The buffer_size argument allows you to customize the queue size. By default, it is 1 for GET requests and 10 for POST requests. (So in the case of GET requests, each event is fired as soon as the emitter receives it.) If the emitter is configured to send POST requests, then instead of sending one for every event in the buffer, it will send a sing request containing all those events in JSON format.

Warning: method defaults to GET because Snowplow collectors do not currently support POST requests.

on_success is an optional callback that will execute whenever the queue is flushed successfully, that is, whenever every request sent has status code 200. It will be passed one argument: the number of events that were sent.

on_failure is similar, but executes when the flush is not wholly successful. It will be passed two arguments: the number of events that were successfully sent, and an array of unsent requests. (If the emitter is configured to send POST requests, the array will actually be a string, but it can be turned back into an array of Python dictionaries (each corresponding to an event) by using json.loads.)

An example:

def f(x):
    print(str(x) + " events sent successfully!")

unsent_events = []

def g(x, y):
    print(str(x) + " events sent successfully!")
    print("These events were not sent successfully and have been stored in unsent_events:")
    for event_dict in y:

e = Emitter("", buffer_size=3, on_success=f, on_failure=g)

t = Tracker(e)

# This doesn't cause the emitter to send a request because the buffer_size was set to 3, not 1

# This does cause the emitter to try to send all 3 events

# Since the method is GET by default, 3 separate requests are sent
# If any of them are unsuccessful, they will be stored in the unsent_events variable

5.2 The AsyncEmitter class

from snowplow_tracker import Emitter

e = Emitter("")

The AsyncEmitter class works just like the Emitter class. It has one advantage, though: HTTP(S) requests are sent asynchronously, so the Tracker won't be blocked while the Emitter waits for a response. For this reason, the AsyncEmitter is recommended over the base Emitter class.

5.3 The CeleryEmitter class

The CeleryEmitter class works just like the base Emitter class, but it registers sending requests as a task for a Celery worker. If there is a module named on your PYTHONPATH, it will be used as the Celery configuration file; otherwise, a default configuration will be used. You can run the worker using this command:

celery -A snowplow_tracker.emitters worker --loglevel=debug

Note that on_success and on_failure callbacks cannot be supplied to this emitter.

5.4 The RedisEmitter class

Use a RedisEmitter instance to store events in a Redis database for later use. This is the RedisEmitter constructor function:

def __init__(self, rdb=None, key="snowplow"):

rdb should be an instance of either the Redis or StrictRedis class, found in the redis module. If it is not supplied, a default will be used. key is the key used to store events in the database. It defaults to "snowplow". The format for event storage is a Redis list of JSON strings.

An example:

from snowplow_tracker import RedisEmitter, Tracker
import redis

rdb = redis.StrictRedis(db=2)

e = RedisEmitter(rdb, "my_snowplow_key")

t = Tracker(e)


# Check that the event was stored in Redis:
print(rdb.lrange("my_snowplowkey", 0, -1))
# prints something like:
# ['{"tv":"py-0.4.0", "ev": "pv", "url": "", "dtm": 1400252420261, "tid": 7515828, "p": "pc"}']

5.5 Manual flushing

You can flush the emitter manually using the flush method of the Tracker instance which is sending events to the emitter. This is a blocking call which synchronously sends all events in the emitter's buffer. In the case of the AsyncEmitter, it also forces all running threads to finish within 10 seconds.


5.6 Multiple emitters

You can configure a tracker instance to send events to multiple emitters by passing the Tracker constructor function an array of emitters instead of a single emitter, or by using the addEmitter method:

from snowplow_tracker import Subject, Tracker, AsyncEmitter, RedisEmitter
import redis

e1 = AsyncEmitter("", method="get")
e1 = AsyncEmitter("", method="post")

t = Tracker([e1, e2])

rdb = redis.StrictRedis(db=2)

e3 = RedisEmitter(rdb, "my_snowplow_key")


5.7 Custom emitters

You can create your own custom emitter class, either from scratch or by subclassing one of the existing classes (with the exception of CeleryEmitter, since it uses the pickle module which doesn't work correctly with a class subclassed from a class located in a different module). The only requirement for compatibility is that is must have an input method which accepts a Python dictionary of name-value pairs.

6. Contracts

Python is a dynamically typed language, but each of our methods expects its arguments to be of specific types and value ranges, and validates that to be the case. These checks are done using the PyContracts library.

If the validation check fails, then a runtime error is thrown:

s = Subject()
contracts.interface.ContractNotRespected: Breach for argument 'depth' to Subject:set_color_depth().
Expected type 'int', got 'str'.
checking: Int      for value: Instance of str: 'walrus'
checking: $(Int)   for value: Instance of str: 'walrus'
checking: int      for value: Instance of str: 'walrus'
Variables bound in inner context:
- self: Instance of Tracker: <snowplow_tracker.tracker.Tracker object...> [clip]

If your value is of the wrong type, convert it before passing it into the track...() method, for example:

level_idx = 42
t.track_screen_view("Game Level", str(level_idx))

You can turn off type checking to improve performance like this:

from snowplow_tracker import disable_contracts

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7. Logging

The module has Python logging turned to give you information about requests being sent. The logger prints messages about what emitters are doing. By default, only messages with priority "INFO" or higher will be logged.

To change this:

from snowplow_tracker import logger

# Log all messages, even DEBUG messages

# Log only messages with priority WARN or higher

# Turn off all logging

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8. The RedisWorker class

The tracker comes with a RedisWorker class which sends Snowplow events from Redis to an emitter. The RedisWorker constructor is similar to the RedisEmitter constructor:

def __init__(self, _consumer, key=None, dbr=None):

This is how it is used:

from snowplow_tracker import AsyncEmitter
from snowplow_tracker.redis_worker import RedisWorker

e = Emitter("")

r = RedisWorker(e, key="snowplow_redis_key")

This will set up a worker which will run indefinitely, taking events from the Redis list with key "snowplow_redis_key" and inputting them to an AsyncEmitter, which will send them to a cloudfront collector. If the process receives a SIGINT signal (for example, due to a Ctrl-C keyboard interrupt), cleanup will occur before exiting to ensure no events are lost.

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