Official implementation for Boosting 3D Object Generation through PBR Materials.
Project Page | arXiv | Paper | Weights
System requirements: Ubuntu 18.04
Tested GPUs: NVIDIA A100
conda create -n pbrboost python=3.9
conda install pytorch==1.13.1 torchvision==0.14.1 torchaudio==0.13.1 pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install -r requirements.txt
We recommend you to install Image-to-3D methods according to their official repositories. We have tested CRM, InstantMesh, Wonder3D, Era3D, and TripoSR.
If you already have a mesh with an Albedo (RGB) UV and just want to apply the boosting method to it, you can skip this step.
|-- albedo_mesh_gen
|-- CRM
|-- MonoAlbedo
|-- MonoNormal
|-- ckpts
|-- MonoAlbedo
|-- MonoNormal
|-- data
|-- irrmaps
|-- bsdf_256_256.bin
|-- modern_buildings_2_4k.hdr # you can add more environmental maps here
|-- textures
|-- texture_ks.png
|-- texture_n.png
|-- normal_boost
|-- configs
|-- normal_boost_cfg.json
|-- input
|-- XXX # folder name
|-- dmtet_mesh
|-- mesh_reorg.obj # converted from the original mesh
|-- mesh.mtl
|-- mesh.obj # original mesh, not necessary
|-- texture_kd.png # albedo UV
|-- texture_ks.png # copied from data/textures/texture_ks.png
|-- out
|-- XXX_out
|-- dmtet_mesh
|-- texture_n.png # generated bump UV
|-- rm_boost
|-- configs
|-- rm_boost_cfg.json
|-- input
|-- XXX # folder name
|-- dmtet_mesh
|-- mesh_reorg.obj # converted from the original mesh
|-- mesh.mtl
|-- mesh.obj # original mesh, not necessary
|-- texture_kd.png # albedo UV
|-- texture_ks.png # copied from data/textures/texture_ks.png
|-- texure_n.png # copied from data/textures/texture_n.png or normal_boost's out
|-- ks_mask
|-- ks
|-- val_000000_ks.png
|-- val_000025_ks.png
|-- val_000050_ks.png
|-- val_000075_ks.png
|-- val_000100_ks.png
|-- val_000101_ks.png
|-- out
|-- XXX_out
|-- dmtet_mesh
|-- texture_ks.png # generated roughness & metalness UV, [R,G,B] <-> [Zero,Roughness,Metalness]
|-- relight
|-- configs
|-- relight_cfg.json
|-- input
|-- XXX # folder name
|-- dmtet_mesh
|-- mesh_reorg.obj # converted from the original mesh
|-- mesh.mtl
|-- texture_kd.png # albedo UV
|-- texture_ks.png # generated R & M UV, copied from the corresponding folder in rm_boost's out
|-- texure_n.png # generated bump UV, copied from the corresponding folder in normal_boost's out
|-- out
|-- XXX_out
|-- validate
|-- kd
|-- ks
|-- normal
|-- mask
|-- shaded
|-- utils
input examples of normal_boost/rm_boost/relight
The following boosting methods are independent from each other. You can only use one of them.
Notice: Roughness & Metalness boosting is a semi-automatic process. If you want to use this function, it is necessary to prepare the ks_mask folder as illustrated in the Step 1 - Structure overview.
cd albedo_mesh_gen
# single image-to-albedo
python MonoAlbedo/ # remember to modify the path of input images
# single image-to-normal
python MonoNormal/ # remember to modify the path of input images
# optional, if you already have a mesh with an Albedo (RGB) UV, you can skip this step
# take CRM as an example, InstantMesh/Wonder3D/Era3D/TripoSR also can be used
cd albedo_mesh_gen/CRM
bash # remember to modify the path of input images
After obtaining a mesh with an albedo (RGB) UV, you can first convert its format to the one that can be processed in the following boosting stages.
cd utils
python # remember to modify the path of input meshes
After obtaining a mesh with the expected format, you can put it in the input folder as illustrated in the Step 1 - Structure overview.
cd normal_boost
python --config configs/normal_boost_cfg.json
cd rm_boost
python --config configs/rm_boost_cfg.json
cd relight
python --config configs/relight_cfg.json
author = {Wang, Yitong and Xu, Xudong and Ma, Li and Wang, Haoran and Dai, Bo},
title = {Boosting 3D object generation through PBR materials},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Conference Papers},
articleno = {140},
numpages = {11},
series = {SA '24}