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Call for testing ruff on channel latest/candidate #80




A new version (0.9.4) of ruff was just pushed to the latest/candidate channel in the snap store. The following revisions are available.

CPU ArchitectureRevision

Automated testing

If configured, the snap will be installed in a VM, and any test results or screenshots will be posted to this issue as a comment shortly.

How to test it manually

  1. Stop the application if it was already running
  2. Upgrade to this version by running
snap refresh ruff --channel latest/candidate
  1. Start the app and test it out.
  2. Finally, add a comment below explaining whether this app is working, and include the output of the following command.
snap version; lscpu | grep Architecture; snap info ruff | grep installed

How to release it

Maintainers can promote this to stable by commenting /promote <rev>[,<rev>] latest/stable [done].

For example

  • To promote a single revision, run /promote <rev> latest/stable
  • To promote multiple revisions, run /promote <rev>,<rev> latest/stable
  • To promote a revision and close the issue, run /promote <rev>,<rev> latest/stable done

You can promote all revisions that were just built with:

/promote 1258,1259,1260,1261,1262,1263 latest/stable done



github-actions commented on Jan 31, 2025


Automated testing success.

Full logs are available at The first 100, and last 100 lines of the log are displayed in the Summary below.

ruff 0.9.4 (854ab0307 2025-01-30)
Ruff: An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter.

Usage: ruff [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

check    Run Ruff on the given files or directories
rule     Explain a rule (or all rules)
config   List or describe the available configuration options
linter   List all supported upstream linters
clean    Clear any caches in the current directory and any subdirectories
format   Run the Ruff formatter on the given files or directories
server   Run the language server
analyze  Run analysis over Python source code
version  Display Ruff's version
help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

-h, --help     Print help
-V, --version  Print version

Log levels:
-v, --verbose  Enable verbose logging
-q, --quiet    Print diagnostics, but nothing else
-s, --silent   Disable all logging (but still exit with status code "1" upon detecting

Global options:
    --config <CONFIG_OPTION>  Either a path to a TOML configuration file (`pyproject.toml` or
                              `ruff.toml`), or a TOML `<KEY> = <VALUE>` pair (such as you might
                              find in a `ruff.toml` configuration file) overriding a specific
                              configuration option. Overrides of individual settings using this
                              option always take precedence over all configuration files,
                              including configuration files that were also specified using
    --isolated                Ignore all configuration files

For help with a specific command, see: `ruff help <command>`.
# airflow-variable-name-task-id-mismatch (AIR001)

Derived from the **Airflow** linter.

## What it does
Checks that the task variable name matches the `task_id` value for
Airflow Operators.

## Why is this bad?
When initializing an Airflow Operator, for consistency, the variable
name should match the `task_id` value. This makes it easier to
follow the flow of the DAG.

## Example
from airflow.operators import PythonOperator

incorrect_name = PythonOperator(task_id="my_task")

Use instead:

from airflow.operators import PythonOperator

my_task = PythonOperator(task_id="my_task")

airflow-dag-no-schedule-argument (AIR301)

Derived from the Airflow linter.

This rule is in preview and is not stable. The --preview flag is required for use.

What it does

Checks for a DAG() class or @dag() decorator without an explicit
schedule parameter.

Why is this bad?

The default schedule value on Airflow 2 is timedelta(days=1), which is
almost never what a user is looking for. Airflow 3 changes this the default
to None, and would break existing DAGs using the implicit default.

If your DAG does not have an explicit schedule argument, Airflow 2
schedules a run for it every day (at the time determined by start_date).
Such a DAG will no longer be scheduled on Airflow 3 at all, without any
exceptions or other messages visible to the user.


from airflow import DAG

# Using the implicit default schedule.
dag = DAG(dag_id="my_dag")

(Logs truncated. See full logs at:

docs_src/dependencies/ B903 Class could be dataclass or namedtuple
11 | / class CommonQueryParams:
12 | | def init(self, q: Union[str, None] = None, skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100):
13 | | self.q = q
14 | | self.skip = skip
15 | | self.limit = limit
| |__________________________^ B903

docs_src/dependencies/ B903 Class could be dataclass or namedtuple
9 | / class CommonQueryParams:
10 | | def init(self, q: str | None = None, skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100):
11 | | self.q = q
12 | | self.skip = skip
13 | | self.limit = limit
| |__________________________^ B903

docs_src/dependencies/ B903 Class could be dataclass or namedtuple
11 | / class CommonQueryParams:
12 | | def init(self, q: Union[str, None] = None, skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100):
13 | | self.q = q
14 | | self.skip = skip
15 | | self.limit = limit
| |__________________________^ B903

docs_src/dependencies/ B903 Class could be dataclass or namedtuple
12 | / class CommonQueryParams:
13 | | def init(self, q: Union[str, None] = None, skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100):
14 | | self.q = q
15 | | self.skip = skip
16 | | self.limit = limit
| |__________________________^ B903

docs_src/dependencies/ B903 Class could be dataclass or namedtuple
11 | / class CommonQueryParams:
12 | | def init(self, q: str | None = None, skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100):
13 | | self.q = q
14 | | self.skip = skip
15 | | self.limit = limit
| |__________________________^ B903

docs_src/dependencies/ B903 Class could be dataclass or namedtuple
11 | / class CommonQueryParams:
12 | | def init(self, q: Union[str, None] = None, skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100):
13 | | self.q = q
14 | | self.skip = skip
15 | | self.limit = limit
| |__________________________^ B903

docs_src/dependencies/ B903 Class could be dataclass or namedtuple
9 | / class CommonQueryParams:
10 | | def init(self, q: str | None = None, skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100):
11 | | self.q = q
12 | | self.skip = skip
13 | | self.limit = limit
| |__________________________^ B903

docs_src/python_types/ B903 Class could be dataclass or namedtuple
1 | / class Person:
2 | | def init(self, name: str):
3 | | = name
| |________________________^ B903

tests/ B903 Class could be dataclass or namedtuple
17 | / class Person:
18 | | def init(self, name: str):
19 | | = name
| |________________________^ B903

tests/ B903 Class could be dataclass or namedtuple
22 | / class Pet:
23 | | def init(self, owner: Person, name: str):
24 | | self.owner = owner
25 | | = name
| |________________________^ B903

Found 21 errors (3 fixed, 18 remaining).
11 files reformatted, 1140 files left unchanged
106 files reformatted, 1045 files left unchanged



lengau commented on Jan 31, 2025


/promote 1258,1259,1260,1261,1262,1263 latest/stable done


github-actions commented on Jan 31, 2025


The following revisions were released to the latest/stable channel: 1258,1259,1260,1261,1262,1263.

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      Call for testing `ruff` on channel `latest/candidate` · Issue #80 · snapcrafters/ruff