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This repo contains example projects which are created for Introduction to Programming in Java Course.

Topic of Project:

  • Generation of prime numbers no larger than n using the naïve method and the sieve of Erasthotenes and their execution times measurements. The naïve method, for given number x, checks whether any number from 2 up to the (x – 1) is a divisor of x.


Required elements for Proje01:

  • run as a standalone console application,
  • initial parameters in command line,
  • use of packages,
  • separated classes for model and view,
  • the only private fields,
  • static elements (except main()) are prohibited,
  • at least one loop,
  • UI uses standard streams,
  • documentation (javadoc) - description of all classes, methods, and fields,
  • documentation (javadoc) - mandatory tags: @author, @version, @param, @return, @exception
  • Java naming convention.

Feedback comments for Proje01:

  • Java naming convention (packages should be in small letters),
  • Missing Javadoc comments (Controller and Model classes)


Required elements for Proje02:

  • all specified requirements for previous report,
  • all faults should be removed,
  • definition of an exception class,
  • throw and handle of own exception(s),
  • use of "for-each" loop,
  • at least one generic class (arrays are prohibited),

Feedback comments for Proje02:

  • missing Javadoc comments (package-info, class fields),
  • there should be no direct display in controller, only through view


Required elements for Proje03:

  • all specified requirements for previous reports,
  • all previously indicated faults should be removed,
  • definition of unit tests,
  • definition of test suite,
  • tests of main model methods
  • tests of normal, abnormal and border situations

Feedback comments for Proje03:


Introduction to Programming in Java







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