This is a mine-sweeper game runs on the Nintendo Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros / Zelda system.
You need backup your G&W first. See game-and-watch-backup
Build and flash by make flash
in game-and-watch-mine-sweeper
Import this project into your STM32CubeIDE workspace by Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace
and build / debug it.
You can just download Pre builded elf file for test.
- Select a level at home page and press A to start game.
- Button A for dig, B for flag.
- If a digit block already has enough flags next to it. You can dig(A) on it for clear all blocks around it.
- Power off (sleep) by press power button.
- Some simple sound
- Save hi-score
- Screen bright
- This project is based on game-and-watch-base.
- This project use some code (power down etc.) from game-and-watch-retro-go.
- Thanks tim in discord for many helps. He also create a page which lists a lot of fun thing with G&W, you can take a look if you like, Here is it