We're using ruby 2.5.0. It's best to use postmodern's chruby and ruby-install for no-nonsense ruby version management. If something else is working for you, you're all set to go!
Our database is postgresql. Postgresapp is a livesaver. If you have postgresql installed any other way - make sure you know how to nuke them first before using this app, or don't use it at all.
In any case, ensure the server is running before running rails server
Run bundle install
whenever you want to get every dependency installed for this app.
For models or controllers, you'll find some test cases in minitest.
bin/rake test
will run all the tests.
Thoughtbot's gems we use for tests include: factory-bot for Rails and shoulda-matchers.
All authentication is done with clearance. There's some custom routes configured for it, so you'll find everything defined explicitly in routes.rb
and controller files.
To deploy, create a branch, make a PR request, and let CI pass. Merge to master and it automatically deploys to production on Heroku.
If you need to quickly check that your stuff works, force push your branch to staging
. That will let you skip CI and quickly see what you worked on on the staging app. Whatever's in the staging
branch is automatically deployed! Make sure to rebase master
first just to keep things aligned.