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KTX: Box2D physics engine utilities

Utilities and type-safe builders for the default LibGDX 2D physics engine: Box2D.


Box2D API, being a direct port from C++, can be difficult to work with - especially for beginners. Bodies and fixtures construction code readability could certainly be improved. Kotlin type-safe builing DSL can help with that.


ktx-box2d provides some extensions and utilities that aim improve Box2D API:

  • createWorld factory method eases the construction of World instances.
  • World.body and Body extension methods provide Fixture type-safe building DSL that supports customizing fixtures with the following shapes:
    • box:PolygonShape as a box.
    • circle: CircleShape.
    • polygon: PolygonShape.
    • chain: ChainShape.
    • loop: looped ChainShape.
    • edge: looped EdgeShape.
    • fixture: a custom Shape passed as parameter.
  • FixtureDef.filter extension methods aim to simplify Filter API usage.
  • Body was extended with the following builder methods that ease creation of Joint instances:
    • gearJointWith: GearJoint.
    • ropeJointWith: RopeJoint.
    • weldJointWith: WeldJoint.
    • motorJointWith: MotorJoint.
    • mouseJointWith: MouseJoint.
    • wheelJointWith: WheelJoint.
    • pulleyJointWith: PulleyJoint.
    • distanceJointWith: DistanceJoint.
    • frictionJointWith: FrictionJoint.
    • revoluteJointWith: RevoluteJoint.
    • prismaticJointWith: PrismaticJoint.
    • jointWith: any Joint type supported by the custom JointDef passed as the method argument.
  • earthGravity is a constant that roughly matches Earth's gravity.
  • World.rayCast extension methods allow creating ray-cast callbacks with Kotlin lambda syntax.

Usage examples

Creating a new Box2D World without gravity:

import ktx.box2d.createWorld

val world = createWorld()

Creating a new Box2D World with a custom gravity:

import ktx.box2d.createWorld
import ktx.box2d.earthGravity
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2

val world = createWorld(gravity = Vector2(0f, -10f))

val earth = createWorld(gravity = earthGravity)

Creating a Body with a PolygonShape box Fixture:

import ktx.box2d.body

// Building body from scratch:
val body = world.body {
  box(width = 2f, height = 1f) {
    density = 40f

// Adding box polygon fixture to an existing body:
val fixture = = 2f, height = 1f) {
  density = 40f


Creating a Body with a custom PolygonShape Fixture:

import ktx.box2d.body
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2

// Building body from scratch:
val body = world.body {
  polygon(Vector2(-1f, -1f), Vector2(0f, 1f), Vector2(1f, -1f)) {
    density = 40f

// Adding polygon fixture to an existing body:
val fixture = body.polygon(Vector2(-1f, -1f), Vector2(0f, 1f), Vector2(1f, -1f)) {
  density = 40f


Creating a Body with a CircleShape Fixture:

import ktx.box2d.body

// Building body from scratch:
val body = world.body {
  circle(radius = 1f) {
    restitution = 0.5f

// Adding circle fixture to an existing body:
val fixture = = 1f) {
  restitution = 0.5f


Creating a Body with a ChainShape Fixture:

import ktx.box2d.body
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2

// Building body from scratch:
val body = world.body {
  chain(Vector2(-1f, -1f), Vector2(-1f, 1f), Vector2(1f, -1f), Vector2(1f, 1f)) {
    friction = 0.5f

// Adding chain fixture to an existing body:
val fixture = body.chain(Vector2(-1f, -1f), Vector2(-1f, 1f), Vector2(1f, -1f), Vector2(1f, 1f)) {
  friction = 0.5f


Creating a Body with a looped ChainShape Fixture:

import ktx.box2d.body
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2

// Building body from scratch:
val body = world.body {
  loop(Vector2(-1f, -1f), Vector2(-1f, 1f), Vector2(1f, -1f), Vector2(1f, 1f)) {
    friction = 0.5f

// Adding looped chain fixture to an existing body:
val fixture = body.loop(Vector2(-1f, -1f), Vector2(-1f, 1f), Vector2(1f, -1f), Vector2(1f, 1f)) {
  friction = 0.5f


Creating a Body with an EdgeShape Fixture:

import ktx.box2d.body
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2

// Building body from scratch:
val body = world.body {
  edge(from = Vector2(-1f, -1f), to = Vector2(1f, 1f)) {
    restitution = 1f

// Adding edge fixture to an existing body:
val fixture = body.edge(from = Vector2(-1f, -1f), to = Vector2(1f, 1f)) {
  restitution = 1f


Creating a dynamic Body with multiple Fixture instances:

import ktx.box2d.*
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2
import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody

val body = world.body {
  type = DynamicBody
  circle(radius = 1f) {
    restitution = 0.5f
    filter {
      categoryBits = 0x01
      maskBits = 0x02
  box(width = 2f, height = 2f) {
    density = 40f
  edge(from = Vector2(-1f, 1f), to = Vector2(1f, 0.5f)) {
    friction = 0.7f

CircleShape + PolygonShape + EdgeShape

Customizing Shape of a Fixture:

import ktx.box2d.*

val body = world.body {
  // Shapes are available as the default `it` parameter of fixture
  // building blocks. Of course, they can be renamed - in this
  // example we renamed the CircleShape parameter to `shape`:
  circle { shape ->
    shape.radius = 0.5f
    shape.position = Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)


Creating two Body instances joined with a DistanceJoint:

import ktx.box2d.*

val bodyA = world.body {
  position.set(-1f, 0f)
  box(width = 0.5f, height = 0.5f) {}
val bodyB = world.body {
  position.set(1f, 0f)
  box(width = 0.5f, height = 0.5f) {}
// Extension methods for all other joint types are also available.
val joint = bodyA.distanceJointWith(bodyB) {
  length = 2f

PolygonShape + DistanceJoint

Adding callbacks invoked after creation of Body and Fixture instances:

import ktx.box2d.*

val body = world.body {
  onCreate { body ->
    // Will be called when the body and all of its fixtures are built.

  circle {
    onCreate { fixture ->
      // Will be called when this particular fixture is created. Note
      // that at invocation time the Box2D body of this fixture might
      // not be fully constructed yet.

Creating ray-casts:

import ktx.box2d.*

fun createRayCast() {
  world.rayCast(startX = 0f, startY = 0f, endX = 1f, endY = 1f) { fixture, point, normal, fraction ->
    // Will be called when this ray hits a fixture.


Pair this library with ktx-math for Vector2 factory methods, operator overloads and other math-related utilities.


  • gdx-box2d-kotlin is the first published Kotlin Box2D utilities library that originally inspired ktx-box2d.
  • libgdx-utils-box2d is a set of Box2D utilities written in Java.

Additional documentation