Rockyou for web fuzzing
- Git clone and extract:
git clone && cd OneListForAll
7z x onelistforall.7z.001
- Fuzz with the best tool ffuf :)
ffuf -c -mc all -ac -w onelistforall.txt -u []/FUZZ
This is a wordlist for fuzzing purposes made from the best wordlists currently available, lowercased and deduplicated later with duplicut. The lists used have been some selected within these repositories:
- fuzzdb
- SecLists
- xmendez
- minimaxir
- TheRook
- danielmiessler
- swisskyrepo
- 1N3
- cujanovic
- lavalamp
- ics-default
- jeanphorn
- j3ers3
- nyxxxie
- dirbuster
- dotdotpwn
- hackerone_wordlist
- commonspeak2
- bruteforce-list
Feel free to contribute, PR are welcomed.
You can support this work buying me a coffee: