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Follow the generic plugin installation instructions in the FIR wiki.


Using the fir_todos plugin is pretty straightforward.

  • To create a task, open an incident and click Add, then Todo. Specify an action to be done, and an accountable party (you may select the "CERT" business line for tasks atrributed to you). To save the changes, click on the + sign at the end of the line.

  • Remove a task by clicking on the cross sign on the corresponding line.

  • Mark a task as done by clicking on the tick icon next to the action name.

Warning: Tasks cannot be edited.

Todo lists will show up in two places: on the incident page, and on the Dashboard page, under the Tasks tab. Todos appearing on the dashboard are those attributed to the CERT business line.

Todo Templates

You can use Todo Templates in order to automatically create Todos when there is a new incident. You can create as many templates as you want in the Admin panel.

Each template can specify:

  • A category
  • A detection
  • Concerned business lines

The template will be activated for each incident matching all the criteria that are defined (not null).

Note that Concerned business line is a little bit special: you only need one business line in order to match the template, and parents are considered. This means that if you create a template with Concerned business lines set to BL1 and BL2, the following will be true:

  • An incident for BL1 will match
  • An incident for BL2 will match
  • An incident for BL1 and BL2 will match
  • An incident for BL1 > Sub BL1 will match

Todo Items for your templates

When creating Todo Items for your templates, be aware that the business line is optionnal. When this field is not specified, a todo item will be created for each incident business line that matched the template.

Example: if you have a template for BL1 with a Todo item "Do Something" with no business line specified, and you create an incident for BL1 > Sub BL1, BL1 > Sub BL2 and BL2, you will have the following todos created:

  • Do Something (BL1 > Sub BL1)
  • Do Something (BL1 > Sub BL2)


Everything you need to tweak the plugin is in the fir_todos directory: static files (JavaScript & CSS), templates, and actions (in Creating a function in for editing tasks would be interesting. 😉 😉