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Email helpers module

Configure FIR to send emails

Follow the Django docs: Django email backend.

In addition, you have to configure two settings:

# From address (required, string)
# Reply to address (optional, string)

Adding CC and BCC recipients (for fir_alerting and fir_abuse)

You can force FIR to add CC and BCC recipients by configuring these settings:

EMAIL_CC = ['',]
EMAIL_BCC = ['',]

Using S/MIME

To send signed/encrypted emails with S/MIME to users, install and configure django-djembe and add it in your installed_apps.txt.

The following configuration example from the Djembe Readme can help you:


(fir-env)$ pip install -r fir_email/requirements_smime.txt
(fir-env)$ python migrate djembe

In $FIR_HOME/fir/config/installed_app.txt, add:


Change your email backend in your settings:

EMAIL_BACKEND = 'djembe.backends.EncryptingSMTPBackend'


To use a cipher other than the default AES-256, specify it in your settings DJEMBE_CIPHER:

DJEMBE_CIPHER = 'des_ede3_cbc'  # triple DES

The intersection of M2Crypto's ciphers and RFC 3851 are:

  • des_ede3_cbc (required by the RFC)
  • aes_128_cbc (recommended, not required, by the RFC)
  • aes_192_cbc (recommended, not required, by the RFC)
  • aes_256_cbc (recommended, not required, by the RFC)
  • rc2_40_cbc (RFC requires support, but it's weak -- don't use it)

RFC 5751 requires AES-128, and indicates that higher key lengths are of course the future. It marks tripleDES with "SHOULD-", meaning it's on its way out.

Signed email

To create signed email, in the admin site (Djembe > Identities), supply both a certificate and a private key which must not have a passphrase, with an Address that is the same as your setting EMAIL_FROM. Any mail sent from this Identity's address will be signed with the private key.

User certificates (email encryption)

User certificates will be added from the user profile in FIR (Set S/MIME certificate).