#Introduction The simTRAC API can be communicated with via JSON-RPC 2 over HTTPS. Authentication is handled via OAuth 1.0.
#Access Points
The simTRAC API has one main access point: https://login.simtrac.com.au/api/
And additional access points for applications using 'User Token Access' / '3 Legged' Open Authentication:
##Request Token
##Access Token
simtrac.test(any arg)
returns string
Returns a string representation of arg
simtrac.get_token_ttl(string accessTokenKey)
returns int
Tests the current access token for time-to-live
returns UserDetailsResponse
Returns details on the current user
UserDetailsResponse = {
name_first: string,
name_last: string,
timezone: string,
email_address: string
returns GetVehiclesResponse
Returns a list of vehicles accessible by the current users
GetVehiclesResponse = [
vehicle_id: int,
group_ids: [int],
vehicle_name: string,
registration_number: string,
messaging: boolean,
year_of_manufacture: string,
make: string,
imei: string,
model: string,
badge: string,
body_shape: string,
vin: string,
engine_number: string,
fuel: string
notes: string
returns GetGroupsResponse
Returns a list of groups accessible by the current users
GetGroupsResponse = [
group_id: int,
group_name: string,
group_description: string
returns GetDriversResponse
Returns a list of drivers accessible by the current users
GetDriversResponse = [
driver_id: int,
name_first: string,
name_last: string,
phone_mobile: string,
phone_other: string,
licence_no: string,
licence_expiry: string,
licence_class: string,
notes: string
simtrac.get_vehicle_position([string since])
returns GetVehiclePositionResponse
Returns the current positions for vehicles; if they have been updated since since
Pass the retrieved
parameter back to the next call as since
GetVehiclePositionResponse = {
retrieved: string,
vehicle_stats: [
vehicle_id: int,
longitude: string,
latitude: string,
position_update: string,
direction: int,
speed: int,
status_acc: boolean,
driver_id: int,
driver_name: string,
invalid_count: int,
last_status_change: string,
status_change_interval: int,
status_switch: int,
current_address: string,
message_count: int,
geofences: [int],
geosites: [int],
last_activity: int
simtrac.send_message(int vehicle_id, string message)
returns boolean
Sends a message to the specified vehicle
simtrac.get_messages_inbox([string since])
returns GetMessagesInboxResponse
Returns the current inbox messages; if they have been updated since since
Pass the retrieved
parameter back to the next call as since
GetMessagesInboxResponse = {
retrieved: string,
messages: [
vehicle_message_received_id: int,
vehicle_id: int,
vehicle_name: string,
driver_name: string,
datetime: string,
message: string,
message_read: boolean,
archived: boolean
simtrac.get_messages_outbox([string since])
returns GetMessagesOutboxResponse
Returns the current outbox messages; if they have been updated since since
Pass the retrieved
parameter back to the next call as since
GetMessagesOutboxResponse = {
retrieved: string,
messages: [
vehicle_message_sent_id: int,
vehicle_id: int,
vehicle_name: string,
driver_name: string,
user_id: int,
name_first: string,
name_last: string,
date_created: string,
message: string,
sent: string,
delivered: string,
archived: boolean,
latlng: string,
location_address: string,
message_response: string,
message_status: string
simtrac.set_message_read(int message_received_id)
returns boolean
Marks a received message as read
simtrac.set_message_unread(int message_received_id)
returns boolean
Marks a received message as unread
simtrac.set_message_archived(int message_sent_id)
returns boolean
Archives a sent message
simtrac.set_message_unarchived(int message_sent_id)
returns boolean
Un-archives a sent message