This is a Silex plugin to make Eleventy layouts visually with integration of any GraphQL API, allowing for a streamlined, code-free development process
This plugin requires you to use 11ty v3.0.0 or higher in your project
- User docs
- Developer docs
- Eleventy / 11ty
- Silex free/libre website builder
- Discussion about this plugin
- Issue with ideas and links to compatible CMSs
- Visual design interface for Eleventy layouts
- Integration with GraphQL APIs for visula design on real data
- Expression builders for content, visibility conditions and loops
- Automatic generation of Eleventy-specific data files and front matter
- Support for localization and internationalization
- Live preview of data-driven designs
- Customizable SEO settings for collection pages
- Mock data capabilities for offline design testing
Add a gif or a live demo of your plugin here
This is how to use the plugin in your Silex instance or JS project
Add as a dependency
$ npm i --save @silexlabs/silex-cms
Add to Silex client config:
// silex-client.js
import Eleventy from './js/silex-cms/client.js'
export default function(config, options) {
config.addPlugin(Eleventy, {
dataSources: [{
id: 'countries',
type: 'graphql',
name: 'Countries',
url: '',
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
// ... Other options for @silexlabs/grapesjs-data-source plugin - see
dir: {
input: 'pages/',
css: 'css',
// ... Other options for @silexlabs/silex-cms plugin - see below
And expose the plugin to the front end:
// silex-server.js
const StaticPlugin = require('@silexlabs/silex/dist/plugins/server/plugins/server/StaticPlugin').default
const node_modules = require('node_modules-path')
module.exports = function(config, options) {
config.addPlugin(StaticPlugin, {
routes: [
route: '/js/silex-cms/',
path: node_modules('@silexlabs/silex-cms') + '/@silexlabs/silex-cms/dist/',
Then start Silex with
npx @silexlabs/silex --client-config=silex-client.js --server-config=`pwd`/silex-server.js
Install required 11ty packages:
$ npm install @11ty/eleventy @11ty/eleventy-fetch @11ty/eleventy-img
You need to add a .eleventy.js
file to your project, with the following content:
const { EleventyI18nPlugin } = require("@11ty/eleventy");
const Image = require("@11ty/eleventy-img");
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
// Serve CSS along with the site
eleventyConfig.addPassthroughCopy({"silex/hosting/css/*.css": "css"});
// For the fetch plugin
// i18n plugin
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(EleventyI18nPlugin, {
// any valid BCP 47-compatible language tag is supported
defaultLanguage: "en",
// Image plugin
eleventyConfig.addShortcode("image", async function(src, alt, sizes) {
let metadata = await Image(src, {
widths: [300, 600],
formats: ["avif", "jpeg"]
let imageAttributes = {
loading: "lazy",
decoding: "async",
// You bet we throw an error on a missing alt (alt="" works okay)
return Image.generateHTML(metadata, imageAttributes);
You can pass an object containing all options of the GrapesJs DataSource plugin
Here are additional options specific to this plugin:
Option | Description | Default |
dataSources and other data source options |
An array of data sources to use in the CMS. Check Data Source plugin optsion | [] |
enable11ty |
Enable the 11ty integration. If false, the publication will not publish to 11ty and do not display 11ty data. | true |
esModules |
Enable ES modules in the 11ty data files which is needed for 11ty version > 2. If false, the data files will be CommonJS modules. | true |
fetchPlugin |
Options to pass to 11ty fetch plugin | { duration: '1d', type: 'json' } |
imagePlugin |
Enable the 11ty image block and an image filter, both assume that your eleventy site has the 11ty image plugin installed. Values can be false (off), webc or transform (check 11ty image docs) |
false |
i18nPlugin |
Enable filters which assume that your eleventy site has the 11ty i18n plugin installed | false |
dir |
An object with options to define 11ty directory structure | {} |
dir.input |
Directory for 11ty input files, Silex will publish your site in this folder | `` (empty string) |
dir.silex |
Directory for Silex files, Silex will publish your site in this folder. This is relative to the input directory |
silex |
dir.html |
Directory for HTML files, Silex will generate HTML files (your site pages) in this folder. This is relative to the silex directory |
`` (empty string) |
dir.assets |
Directory for assets files, Silex will copy your assets (images, css, js, ...) to this folder when you publish your site. This is relative to the silex directory |
assets |
dir.css |
Directory for CSS files, Silex will generate CSS files to this folder when you publish your site. This is relative to the assets directory |
css |
urls |
An object with options to define your site urls | {} |
urls.css |
Url of the folder containing the CSS files, Silex will use this to generate links to the CSS files. | css |
urls.assets |
Url of the folder containing the assets files, Silex will use this to generate links to the assets files. | assets |
Hidden states
- States with hidden property set to true
- Not rendered in the HTML page as liquid
- Not visible in the properties panel
- Visible in completion of expressions
Public states
- In the UI they are represented by a list in the properties panel "states" section
- In the HTML page they are rendered as "assign" liquid blocks before the element
- You get these states with getState(id, true)
- They are typically properties custom states the user need to create expressions, e.g. to use in the append filter
Private states
- In the UI they are represented in the properties panel as element's properties
- In the HTML page they are rendered as liquid blocks in place of the element, for loops, echo, if, etc.
- You get these states with getState(id, false)
- They are typically properties of the element, like "innerHTML", "src", "href", etc.
Attributes vs Properties vs States
- Attributes are the HTML attributes, e.g. "src", "href", "class", etc.
- Properties are the properties of the element, e.g. "innerHTML", repeat/loop data, visibility conditions, etc.
- States are reusable expressions which are not visible in the HTML page, e.g. "myVar", "myVar2", etc.
Attributes with multiple values
- If you define an attribute multiple times, the last value will replace the previous ones
- Exception: "class" or "style", the values are merged, including the initial values defined elsewhere in Silex
Clone the repository
$ git clone
$ cd silex-cms
Install dependencies
$ npm i
Build and watch for changes
$ npm run build:watch
Start the dev server on port 3000 with watch and debug
$ npm run dev
Publish a new version
$ npm test
$ npm run lint:fix
$ git commit -am "new feature"
$ npm version patch
$ git push origin main --follow-tags