This tool checks if your zpools are healty.
Just execute:
./check_zfs <poolname> <verbosity>
./check_zfs zroot 3
It will return something like:
OK ZPOOL zroot : ONLINE {Size:1.81T Used:1.08T Avail:746G Cap:59%} <mirror-0:ONLINE> gpt/zroot0:ONLINE gpt/zroot1:ONLINE
To use it with Nagios add in commands.conf:
object CheckCommand "zfs" {
import "plugin-check-command"
command = [ CustomPluginDir + "/check_zfs/check_zfs" ]
command += [ "$zfs_pool$", "$zfs_verbosity$" ]
vars.zfs_pool = "zroot"
vars.zfs_verbosity = "3"
Then add to services.conf:
apply Service "zfs-zroot" {
import "generic-service"
check_command = "zfs"
vars.zfs_pool = "zroot"
assign where == NodeName
apply Service "zfs-zstorage" {
import "generic-service"
check_command = "zfs"
vars.zfs_pool = "zstorage"
assign where == NodeName