Here we provide some scripts and instructions to reproduce important figures in the paper.
Besides some shell scripts listed in this folder, many of other figures are generated from videos, which are shared at here. The following figs use the results that come from two source videos:
Fig 1, fig 2 and fig 5: ballet_woman.mp4 + breakdance_man.mp4
Fig 13(b): shortman.mp4 + penn0067.mp4
Fig 16(a): dancer-forward.mp4 + model-1-2.mp4
Fig 16(b): workout-jumpingjack.mp4 + ballet_women_roll.mp4
To reproduce the above figures from source videos, you need to first use OpenPose to extract the 2D joint positions:
./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --video [your video path] --write_json output/ --display 0 --render_pose 0
and then run our model as suggested in the README.