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7. Dapp开发教程 |
这个系列教程帮助开发者入门 zkSync 开发。 推特:@0xAA_Science|@WTFAcademy_
所有代码和教程开源在 github: github.com/WTFAcademy/WTF-zkSync
- 与已创建的 NFT,TOKEN,TOKENPaymaster 合约进行交互
- 了解与使用 zkSync 基于 React 技术栈下的开发工具
- 构建一个集成 Paymaster 支付的 NFT 铸造页面,以允许用户使用 ERC20 代币支付交易费用
- 获取 zkSync Sepolia 测试网 ETH:https://learnweb3.io/faucets/zksync_sepolia/,https://docs.zksync.io/build/tooling/network-faucets.html
- 了解 Paymaster(可查看前面的教程)
- nodejs: 版本v18
- nextjs: 项目使用 React 和 Nextjs 作为前端框架
- ethers5: zkSync 与主网相同,都可采用 ethers 作为主要合约交互工具库使用
- zksync-ethers5: 此库在 ethers 基础上封装/附加功能,本教程将会采用其完成我们的 paymaster 集成到铸造 NFT 中。(注:若不使用 zkSync 独特的功能如抽象账户,Paymaster 等与 ethers 无异,直接使用 ethers 即可,不影响以往主网开发使用工具的流程)
- web3modal: 快捷美观的钱包工具库,提供连接钱包的集成 UI 和相应的逻辑
git clone https://github.com/WTFAcademy/WTF-zkSync.git cd WTF-zkSync/Dapp_template pnpm install // 或 yarn install 或 npm install
常见的 nextjs 目录结构,我们主要入口是
然后划分两个 step:连接钱包,铸造 NFT,同时将所有合约相关逻辑抽到 hook 中完成。zksync-nft-demo ├── app │ ├── (main) │ │ ├── page.tsx │ │ ├── step-connect-wallet.tsx │ │ └── step-mint.tsx │ ├── globals.css │ ├── layout.tsx │ └── providers.tsx ├── components │ ├── checkout.tsx │ ├── connect-button.tsx │ ├── icons.tsx │ ├── mint-nft-modal.tsx │ ├── mint-token-modal.tsx │ └── ui ├── constants │ └── contract.ts ├── context │ └── web3-modal.tsx ├── hooks │ ├── use-nft.ts │ ├── use-paymaster.ts │ └── use-token.ts ├── lib │ └── utils.ts
NFT 合约: 对外暴露 mint 接口给用户执行,无限制
function mint(address recipient, string memory stoneName) public { require(bytes(stoneName).length > 0, "stoneName must not be empty"); require(recipient != address(0), "recipient must not be the zero address"); _safeMint(recipient, tokenId); _ownedTokens[recipient].push(tokenId); _setTokenURI(tokenId, stoneName); tokenId++; }
Token 合约: 普通 ERC20,对外暴露 mint,无限制
function mint(address _to, uint256 _amount) public returns (bool) { _mint(_to, _amount); return true; }
Paymaster 合约: ERC20 交易支付方案,允许前者 token 的持有者支付 token 作为 gas 手续费支付
每个 Dapp 应用最开始肯定就是连接钱包了,我们这边将采用 web3modal + ethers5 来完成这个步骤:
完成 web3modal 的初步构建,可以参考链接,注意需要前往Wallet Connect 注册一个 projectid// Dapp_template/context/web3-modal.tsx "use client"; import { createWeb3Modal, defaultConfig } from "@web3modal/ethers5/react"; // 1. Get projectId at https://cloud.walletconnect.com const projectId = ""; // 自行申请一个 // 2. Set chains export const zkSyncSepoliaTestnet = { chainId: 300, name: "zkSync Sepolia Testnet", currency: "ETH", explorerUrl: "https://sepolia.explorerzksync.io/", rpcUrl: "https://sepolia.era.zksync.dev", }; // 3. Create modal const metadata = { name: "Web3Modal", description: "Web3Modal ZkSync Example", url: "https://web3modal.com", // origin must match your domain & subdomain icons: ["https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/37784886"], }; export const { getWalletProvider } = createWeb3Modal({ ethersConfig: defaultConfig({ metadata }), chains: [zkSyncSepoliaTestnet], projectId, enableAnalytics: true, // Optional - defaults to your Cloud configuration }); export function Web3ModalProvider({ children, }: { children: React.ReactNode, }) { return children; }
// Dapp_template/app/providers.tsx "use client"; import { Web3ModalProvider } from "@/context/web3-modal"; import React, { ReactNode } from "react"; import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from "react-query"; const queryClient = new QueryClient(); export default function Providers({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) { return ( <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}> <Web3ModalProvider>{children}</Web3ModalProvider> </QueryClientProvider> ); }
在 UI 层做出一些交互优化展示// Dapp_template/app/(main)/step-connect-wallet.tsx import { Icons } from "@/components/icons"; import { truncate } from "@/lib/utils"; import { useWeb3Modal, useWeb3ModalAccount } from "@web3modal/ethers5/react"; import { useEffect } from "react"; const StepConnectWallet = ({ next }: { next: () => void }) => { const { open } = useWeb3Modal(); const { address, isConnected } = useWeb3ModalAccount(); const handleClick = () => { open().catch(console.error); }; useEffect(() => { if (isConnected) { next(); } }, [isConnected]); return ( <div className="px-10 py-8 bg-[#ffffff] rounded-lg shadow flex items-center justify-center"> <button className="rounded-lg border-px border-border" onClick={handleClick} > <div className="flex items-center gap-3 justify-center"> <Icons.wallet className="w-4 h-4" /> <span> {isConnected ? ( <span className="flex items-center gap-2"> <span>已连接</span> <span className="text-[#000000] text-sm"> {truncate(address!)} </span> </span> ) : ( "连接钱包" )} </span> </div> </button> </div> ); }; export default StepConnectWallet;
此时已经完成了我们钱包的逻辑处理,接下来我们要深入合约交互逻辑处理,我们要做的就是基于合约完成 3 个 hooks:useToken, usePaymaster, useNFT
usePaymaster (
我们将会在此 hook 中完成 paymaster 的部分参数组装,以便快速运用到其他的合约调用中,并且获取 paymaster 余额,来告知用户是否仍然可以继续使用 token 替代 gas 支付, 以下关键代码中我们采用 type 为
来完成 Token 的逻辑处理,并且设定minimalAllowance
为指定值,此处表示支付的 Token 数量用于替换手续费支出,这里实际上会更具具体的需求还给出动态的值,我们为了简单处理每笔交易都只需要支出 1 个 token 即可:const paymasterParams = utils.getPaymasterParams(PAYMASTER_ADDRESS, { type: "ApprovalBased", token: TOKEN_ADDRESS, // set minimalAllowance as we defined in the paymaster contract minimalAllowance: ethers.utils.parseEther("1"), // empty bytes as testnet paymaster does not use innerInput innerInput: new Uint8Array(), });
// Dapp_template/hooks/use-paymaster.ts import { PAYMASTER_ADDRESS, TOKEN_ADDRESS } from "@/constants/contract" import { useWeb3ModalAccount, useWeb3ModalProvider } from "@web3modal/ethers5/react" import { Web3Provider, utils } from "zksync-ethers"; import { ethers } from "ethers" import { useQuery } from "react-query" const usePaymaster = () => { const { isConnected } = useWeb3ModalAccount() const { walletProvider } = useWeb3ModalProvider() const {isLoading, data: paymasterBalance} = useQuery("paymaster", async () => { const ethersProvider = new Web3Provider(walletProvider!) const balance = await ethersProvider.getBalance(PAYMASTER_ADDRESS); return ethers.utils.formatEther(balance); }, { enabled: isConnected, refetchInterval: 3000 }) const paymasterParams = utils.getPaymasterParams(PAYMASTER_ADDRESS, { type: "ApprovalBased", token: TOKEN_ADDRESS, // set minimalAllowance as we defined in the paymaster contract minimalAllowance: ethers.utils.parseEther("1"), // empty bytes as testnet paymaster does not use innerInput innerInput: new Uint8Array(), }); return { paymasterBalance, isLoading, customData: { gasPerPubdata: utils.DEFAULT_GAS_PER_PUBDATA_LIMIT, paymasterParams, } } } export default usePaymaster;
useToken (
该合约我们首先需要完成获取 token 余额,mint 用于支付替代手续费,参考代码内容:
// Dapp_template/hooks/use-token.ts const useToken = () => { const { isConnected, address } = useWeb3ModalAccount() const { walletProvider } = useWeb3ModalProvider() const { customData } = usePaymaster(); const contract = useMemo(() => { if (!isConnected) return null; const ethersProvider = new Web3Provider(walletProvider!) const signer = ethersProvider.getSigner(); return new Contract(TOKEN_ADDRESS, TOKEN_ABI, signer); }, [isConnected, address]) const { data: tokenBalance, refetch: refetchToken } = useQuery( ["token", address], async () => { const erc20Contract = contract!; const balance = await erc20Contract.balanceOf(address); return ethers.utils.formatEther(balance).toString(); }, { enabled: isConnected, refetchInterval: 0 } ) const { data: mintTx, isLoading: isMintLoading, mutateAsync: mint } = useMutation( ["mint", address], async () => { const erc20Contract = contract!; const tx = await erc20Contract.mint(address, ethers.utils.parseEther("1000"), { customData: ethers.utils.parseEther(tokenBalance!) > ethers.utils.parseEther("1") ? customData : undefined }); await tx.wait(); return tx; }, { onSuccess: () => { refetchToken(); toast.success("mint 1000 token success"); }, onError: (error: any) => { console.log(error); toast.error(error.data.message); } } ) return { tokenBalance, refetchToken, mint, mintTx, isMintLoading, } }
在 Paymaster 调用的过程中,是需要用户 token 授权 Paymaster 合约才可调用,我们需要在前面的代码(
)中完善增加授权逻辑// Dapp_template/hooks/use-token.ts // ...其他省略 const {data: allowance, refetch: refetchAllowance} = useQuery(["tokenAllowance", address], async () => { const erc20Contract = contract!; const allowance = await erc20Contract.allowance(address, customData.paymasterParams.paymaster); return allowance; }, { enabled: isConnected, refetchInterval: 0 }) const { data: approvePaymasterTx, isLoading: isApprovePaymasterLoading, mutateAsync: approvePaymaster } = useMutation("approve", async () => { const erc20Contract = contract!; const tx = await erc20Contract.approve( PAYMASTER_ADDRESS, ethers.constants.MaxUint256 ); await tx.wait(); return tx; }, { onSuccess: () => { toast.success("approve paymaster success"); refetchAllowance(); } }) return { // ...省略其他 isAllowancePaymaster: allowance?.gte(ethers.utils.parseEther("1")), approvePaymaster, isApprovePaymasterLoading, approvePaymasterTx, }
我们期望页面能够展示 Token Mint 环节产生的 Gas 消耗情况,以及利用余额判断是否满足 paymaster 调用(paymaster 限制了最少需要 1 个 token),我们继续基于前面代码(
)增加以下两个内容:// Dapp_template/hooks/use-token.ts const getTokenMintEstimate = async () => { const ethersProvider = new Web3Provider(walletProvider!) const erc20Contract = contract!; const gasEstimate = await erc20Contract.estimateGas.mint(address, ethers.utils.parseEther("1000")); const gasPrice = await ethersProvider.getGasPrice(); const cost = gasPrice.mul(gasEstimate); return { gas: ethers.utils.formatEther(gasEstimate).toString(), gasPrice: ethers.utils.formatEther(gasPrice).toString(), cost: ethers.utils.formatEther(cost).toString() } } return { //... getTokenMintEstimate, canNonGas: tokenBalance ? ethers.utils.parseEther(tokenBalance!) > ethers.utils.parseEther("1") : false }
useNFT (
NFT 合约中我们需要完成 NFT 持有数量查询,mint NFT 逻辑,同时 mint 时,我们集成了 paymaster 的支付手段,首先我们需要关注的是我们采用的是 zksync-ethers 的
这是官方扩展的类,里面涉及了抽象账户,Paymaster 逻辑等 zksync 独特的功能,我们这边需要用到 paymaster,故我们不能直接采用 ethers 里面构建合约;其次我们在调用合约的时候传入customData
中已经提及,这是调用 paymaster 的关键:// 伪代码,不可运行,非use-nft.ts中的代码 import { Contract, Web3Provider } from "zksync-ethers"; import { ethers } from "ethers"; const contract = useMemo(() => { if (!isConnected) return null; const ethersProvider = new Web3Provider(walletProvider!) const signer = ethersProvider.getSigner(); return new Contract(NFT_ADDRESS, NFT_ABI, signer); }, [isConnected, address]) async () => { if (!contract) return null; const tx = await contract.mint(address, "Space Stone", { customData: canNonGas ? customData : undefined }); await tx.wait(); return tx; }
,根据关键代码写入内容如下:// Dapp_template/hooks/use-nft.ts const useNft = () => { const { isConnected, address } = useWeb3ModalAccount() const { walletProvider } = useWeb3ModalProvider() const { canNonGas } = useToken(); const { customData } = usePaymaster(); const contract = useMemo(() => { if (!isConnected) return null; const ethersProvider = new Web3Provider(walletProvider!) const signer = ethersProvider.getSigner(); return new Contract(NFT_ADDRESS, NFT_ABI, signer); }, [isConnected, address]) const { data: nftBalance, refetch } = useQuery(["nftBalance", address], async () => { if (!contract) return null; const balance = await contract.balanceOf(address); return balance.toString(); }, { enabled: isConnected, refetchInterval: 0 }) const { data: mintTx, isLoading: isMintLoading, mutateAsync: mint } = useMutation(["mintNft", address], async () => { if (!contract) return null; const tx = await contract.mint(address, "Space Stone", { customData: canNonGas ? customData : undefined }); await tx.wait(); return tx; }, { onSuccess: () => { toast.success("NFT minted successfully"); refetch(); }, onError: (err: any) => { toast.error(err.message); } }) return { nftBalance, mintTx, isMintLoading, mint, } }
当然我们也要与 token 类似,为了辅助我们页面展示 mint NFT 消耗 Gas 的情况,我们也加入了 getNFTMintEstimate 计算,在前者代码(
)中增加函数// Dapp_template/hooks/use-nft.ts // ...其他省略 const getNFTMintEstimate = async () => { const ethersProvider = new Web3Provider(walletProvider!) const nftContract = contract!; const gasEstimate = await nftContract.estimateGas.mint(address, "Space Stone"); const gasPrice = await ethersProvider.getGasPrice(); const cost = gasPrice.mul(gasEstimate); return { gas: ethers.utils.formatEther(gasEstimate).toString(), gasPrice: ethers.utils.formatEther(gasPrice).toString(), cost: ethers.utils.formatEther(cost).toString() } } return { // ...其他省略 getNFTMintEstimate }
前面我们已经完了所有合约交互相关的核心逻辑,接下来我们要把他们运用到页面中,让我们的页面更加完善,我们需完成一下内容,样式部分我已经在模版中完成,只需要使用 hooks 填充数据即可:
完成初始数据加载// Dapp_template/app/(main)/step-mint.tsx const StepMint = () => { const { paymasterBalance } = usePaymaster(); const { tokenBalance } = useToken(); return ( <div className="px-10 py-8 bg-[#1E1E1E] rounded-lg shadow text-[#ffffff] flex flex-col gap-4"> <div className="text-[#29BC38] font-bold text-xl"> WTF zkSync NFT Mint </div> <div className="space-y-3"> <div className="space-x-1"> <span className="text-gray-400">Paymaster 余额:</span> <span>{paymasterBalance} ETH</span> </div> <div className="space-x-1"> <span className="text-gray-400">Paymaster 指定Token余额: </span> <span>{tokenBalance}</span> <MintTokenModal /> </div> <div className="space-x-1"> <span className="text-gray-400">NFT铸造:</span> <MintNFTModal /> </div> </div> </div> ); };
逻辑,以铸造满足 Paymaster 使用的 token 金额// Dapp_template/components/mint-token-modal.tsx // 1. 使用 useToken hook 获取 tokenBalance,mint等执行函数和状态 // 2. 计算fee, GasPrice, 实际支出 // 3. 使用Checkout组件展示支付信息 // 4. 新增执行和授权按钮 const MintTokenModal = () => { const [openModal, setOpenModal] = useState<boolean>(false); const { tokenBalance, getTokenMintEstimate, mint, isMintLoading, canNonGas, isAllowancePaymaster, approvePaymaster, isApprovePaymasterLoading, } = useToken(); const { data: tokenMintEstimate, isLoading: isTokenMintEstimateLoading, } = useQuery("tokenMintEstimate", getTokenMintEstimate, { enabled: openModal, }); return ( <Dialog open={openModal} onOpenChange={setOpenModal}> <DialogTrigger> <a className="text-blue-600">Mint</a> </DialogTrigger> <DialogContent> <DialogHeader> <DialogTitle> 领取支付代币 {canNonGas && "(无GAS版)"} </DialogTitle> <DialogDescription>用于支付手续费的代币</DialogDescription> </DialogHeader> <div className="flex flex-col gap-4 mb-4"> <div className="text-sm">代币合约地址:{TOKEN_ADDRESS}</div> <div className="text-sm"> 当前账户代币余额:{tokenBalance || 0} WTF </div> <Checkout gas={tokenMintEstimate?.gas} gasPrice={tokenMintEstimate?.gasPrice} cost={tokenMintEstimate?.cost} nonGas={canNonGas} transaction="Mint (amount = 1000 WTF)" /> </div> <DialogFooter> {isAllowancePaymaster ? ( <Button size="sm" className="w-full" disabled={isMintLoading} onClick={() => mint()} > 开始执行 </Button> ) : ( <Button size="sm" className="w-full" disabled={isApprovePaymasterLoading} onClick={() => approvePaymaster()} > 授权代币作为手续费支付 </Button> )} </DialogFooter> </DialogContent> </Dialog> ); };
中使用 useNFT 完成逻辑交互// Dapp_template/components/mint-nft-modal.tsx // 1. 使用 useNft hook 获取 nftBalance,mint等执行函数和状态 // 2. 计算fee, GasPrice, 实际支出 // 3. 使用Checkout组件展示支付信息 // 4. 新增执行按钮 const MintNFTModal = () => { const [openModal, setOpenModal] = useState<boolean>(false); const { nftBalance, getNFTMintEstimate, mint, isMintLoading } = useNft(); const { canNonGas } = useToken(); const { data: nftMintEstimate, isLoading: isTokenMintEstimateLoading } = useQuery("nftMintEstimate", getNFTMintEstimate, { enabled: openModal, }); return ( <Dialog open={openModal} onOpenChange={setOpenModal}> <DialogTrigger> <a className="text-blue-600 cursor-pointer">Mint</a> </DialogTrigger> <DialogContent> <DialogHeader> <DialogTitle>铸造NFT {canNonGas && "(无GAS版)"}</DialogTitle> <DialogDescription>可使用WTF测试币作为手续费</DialogDescription> </DialogHeader> <div className="flex flex-col gap-4 mb-4"> <div className="text-sm">NFT合约地址:{NFT_ADDRESS}</div> <div className="text-sm">当前账户持有NFT:{nftBalance || 0}</div> <Checkout gas={nftMintEstimate?.gas} gasPrice={nftMintEstimate?.gasPrice} cost={nftMintEstimate?.cost} nonGas={canNonGas} transaction="Mint (amount = 1)" /> </div> <DialogFooter> <Button size="sm" className="w-full" disabled={isMintLoading} onClick={() => mint()} > 开始执行 </Button> </DialogFooter> </DialogContent> </Dialog> ); };
此时我们已完成了前端开发,我们可以去页面中开始尝试 paymaster 的神奇吧!体验无 Gas 铸造 NFT 的过程。
- 使用
pnpm dev | yarn dev | npm run dev
并刷新页面。单击“连接钱包”链接您的 MetaMask 帐户。确保你持有 zksync Sepolia 测试网 ETH - 查看 paymaster 余额,如果不够可以捐赠一些以满足正常是的运转
- 铸造 Token 用于 NFT 铸造的支付
- 开始 NFT 铸造,可以看到右侧一个签名,完成后即可满足最终的交易执行成功
- 使用