About : In this project I have made a program to solce sudoku according to the 9*9 matrix entered by the user. Tools Required Visual Studio 2019, C++ IDE Functions :
isSudokuSolved(int grid[9][9]) :: a bool type function to check whether sudoku is solved or not
disp(int grid[9][9]) :: to display the sudoku matrix
remove(int *n, int k) :: to remove the element entered by user if it is greater than 9
dupGrid(int grid[9][9], int n) :: to check for duplicacte values in the subgrid of 3*3 matrix
duplicate(int grid[9][9]) :: checks for duplicate values in a row and column
missingInGrid(int grid[9][9], int n) :: Fills the subgrid with missing values
checkGrid(int grid[9][9]) :: for checking unwanted values int the grid
main() :: for user interaction