#大道向北# ##Who am i?##
- Name: shoaly
- Gender:Male
- Age:29
- Activity Area:
- Beijing
- Chongqing
- Love things:
- Food btw i never get weight from food
- High-tech
- Climbing
- hint add 2 space or tab to break line
##What am i doing? ##
- web designer
- php+css+html
- myql
- linux server/windows 2003 server
- zend framework/dede/smarty
- information technology consulting
- linux server installation
- website framework
- Android/IOS5 app how to...
- English and Chinese 2-way translation
- Cooperation with TCSISU translation group
此博客用markdown格式编写, 希望这次博客能够坚持下去, 现在需要尽量找机会锻炼自己的写作和阅读能力, 此博客希望担此重任.
##My contact information:##
- Mail: shoaly@qq.com
- Address:Nr 3rd.
more links: