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oowekyala committed Feb 26, 2023
2 parents 71dbeb2 + 22871ad commit 65725c1
Showing 10 changed files with 226 additions and 60 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -66,25 +66,36 @@ public AbstractAnalysisCache() {
public boolean isUpToDate(final TextDocument document) {
try (TimedOperation ignored = TimeTracker.startOperation(TimedOperationCategory.ANALYSIS_CACHE, "up-to-date check")) {
// There is a new file being analyzed, prepare entry in updated cache
final AnalysisResult updatedResult = new AnalysisResult(document.getCheckSum(), new ArrayList<>());
updatedResultsCache.put(document.getPathId(), updatedResult);

// Now check the old cache
final AnalysisResult analysisResult = fileResultsCache.get(document.getPathId());
final AnalysisResult cachedResult = fileResultsCache.get(document.getPathId());
final AnalysisResult updatedResult;

// is this a known file? has it changed?
final boolean result = analysisResult != null
&& analysisResult.getFileChecksum() == updatedResult.getFileChecksum();

if (result) {
LOG.debug("Incremental Analysis cache HIT");
final boolean upToDate = cachedResult != null
&& cachedResult.getFileChecksum() == document.getCheckSum();

if (upToDate) {
LOG.trace("Incremental Analysis cache HIT");

* Update cached violation "filename" to match the appropriate text document,
* so we can honor relativized paths for the current run
final String displayName = document.getDisplayName();
cachedResult.getViolations().forEach(v -> ((CachedRuleViolation) v).setFileDisplayName(displayName));

// copy results over
updatedResult = cachedResult;
} else {
LOG.debug("Incremental Analysis cache MISS - {}",
analysisResult != null ? "file changed" : "no previous result found");
LOG.trace("Incremental Analysis cache MISS - {}",
cachedResult != null ? "file changed" : "no previous result found");

// New file being analyzed, create new empty entry
updatedResult = new AnalysisResult(document.getCheckSum(), new ArrayList<>());

return result;
updatedResultsCache.put(document.getPathId(), updatedResult);

return upToDate;

@@ -119,7 +130,7 @@ public void checkValidity(final RuleSets ruleSets, final ClassLoader auxclassPat
boolean cacheIsValid = cacheExists();

if (cacheIsValid && ruleSets.getChecksum() != rulesetChecksum) {"Analysis cache invalidated, rulesets changed.");
LOG.debug("Analysis cache invalidated, rulesets changed.");
cacheIsValid = false;

@@ -131,7 +142,7 @@ public void checkValidity(final RuleSets ruleSets, final ClassLoader auxclassPat

if (cacheIsValid && currentAuxClassPathChecksum != auxClassPathChecksum) {
// TODO some rules don't need that (in fact, some languages)"Analysis cache invalidated, auxclasspath changed.");
LOG.debug("Analysis cache invalidated, auxclasspath changed.");
cacheIsValid = false;
} else {
@@ -140,7 +151,7 @@ public void checkValidity(final RuleSets ruleSets, final ClassLoader auxclassPat

final long currentExecutionClassPathChecksum = FINGERPRINTER.fingerprint(getClassPathEntries());
if (cacheIsValid && currentExecutionClassPathChecksum != executionClassPathChecksum) {"Analysis cache invalidated, execution classpath changed.");
LOG.debug("Analysis cache invalidated, execution classpath changed.");
cacheIsValid = false;

@@ -211,19 +222,12 @@ public FileVisitResult visitFile(final Path file,

public FileAnalysisListener startFileAnalysis(TextDocument file) {
String fileName = file.getPathId();
AnalysisResult analysisResult = updatedResultsCache.get(fileName);
if (analysisResult == null) {
analysisResult = new AnalysisResult(file.getCheckSum());
final AnalysisResult nonNullAnalysisResult = analysisResult;
final String fileName = file.getPathId();

return new FileAnalysisListener() {
public void onRuleViolation(RuleViolation violation) {
synchronized (nonNullAnalysisResult) {

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -33,25 +33,31 @@ public final class CachedRuleViolation implements RuleViolation {
private final CachedRuleMapper mapper;

private final String description;
private final FileLocation location;
private final String ruleClassName;
private final String ruleName;
private final String ruleTargetLanguage;
private final Map<String, String> additionalInfo;

private FileLocation location;

private CachedRuleViolation(final CachedRuleMapper mapper, final String description,
final String fileName, final String ruleClassName, final String ruleName,
final String filePathId, final String ruleClassName, final String ruleName,
final String ruleTargetLanguage, final int beginLine, final int beginColumn,
final int endLine, final int endColumn,
final Map<String, String> additionalInfo) {
this.mapper = mapper;
this.description = description;
this.location = FileLocation.range(fileName, TextRange2d.range2d(beginLine, beginColumn, endLine, endColumn));
this.location = FileLocation.range(filePathId, TextRange2d.range2d(beginLine, beginColumn, endLine, endColumn));
this.ruleClassName = ruleClassName;
this.ruleName = ruleName;
this.ruleTargetLanguage = ruleTargetLanguage;
this.additionalInfo = additionalInfo;

void setFileDisplayName(String displayName) {
this.location = FileLocation.range(displayName,
TextRange2d.range2d(getBeginLine(), getBeginColumn(), getEndLine(), getEndColumn()));

public Rule getRule() {
@@ -78,13 +84,13 @@ public Map<String, String> getAdditionalInfo() {
* Helper method to load a {@link CachedRuleViolation} from an input stream.
* @param stream The stream from which to load the violation.
* @param fileName The name of the file on which this rule was reported.
* @param filePathId The name of the file on which this rule was reported.
* @param mapper The mapper to be used to obtain rule instances from the active rulesets.
* @return The loaded rule violation.
* @throws IOException
/* package */ static CachedRuleViolation loadFromStream(final DataInputStream stream,
final String fileName, final CachedRuleMapper mapper) throws IOException {
final String filePathId, final CachedRuleMapper mapper) throws IOException {
final String description = stream.readUTF();
final String ruleClassName = stream.readUTF();
final String ruleName = stream.readUTF();
@@ -94,7 +100,7 @@ public Map<String, String> getAdditionalInfo() {
final int endLine = stream.readInt();
final int endColumn = stream.readInt();
final Map<String, String> additionalInfo = readAdditionalInfo(stream);
return new CachedRuleViolation(mapper, description, fileName, ruleClassName, ruleName, ruleTargetLanguage,
return new CachedRuleViolation(mapper, description, filePathId, ruleClassName, ruleName, ruleTargetLanguage,
beginLine, beginColumn, endLine, endColumn, additionalInfo);

@@ -129,7 +135,7 @@ public Map<String, String> getAdditionalInfo() {
FileLocation location = violation.getLocation();
Map<String, String> additionalInfo = violation.getAdditionalInfo();
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -74,21 +74,21 @@ private void loadFromFile(final File cacheFile) {

// Cached results
while (inputStream.available() > 0) {
final String fileName = inputStream.readUTF();
final String filePathId = inputStream.readUTF();
final long checksum = inputStream.readLong();

final int countViolations = inputStream.readInt();
final List<RuleViolation> violations = new ArrayList<>(countViolations);
for (int i = 0; i < countViolations; i++) {
violations.add(CachedRuleViolation.loadFromStream(inputStream, fileName, ruleMapper));
violations.add(CachedRuleViolation.loadFromStream(inputStream, filePathId, ruleMapper));

fileResultsCache.put(fileName, new AnalysisResult(checksum, violations));
fileResultsCache.put(filePathId, new AnalysisResult(checksum, violations));
}"Analysis cache loaded");
LOG.debug("Analysis cache loaded from {}", cacheFile);
} else {"Analysis cache invalidated, PMD version changed.");
LOG.debug("Analysis cache invalidated, PMD version changed.");
} catch (final EOFException e) {
LOG.warn("Cache file {} is malformed, will not be used for current analysis", cacheFile.getPath());
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public void persist() {
for (final Map.Entry<String, AnalysisResult> resultEntry : updatedResultsCache.entrySet()) {
final List<RuleViolation> violations = resultEntry.getValue().getViolations();

outputStream.writeUTF(resultEntry.getKey()); // the full filename
outputStream.writeUTF(resultEntry.getKey()); // the path id

@@ -141,9 +141,9 @@ public void persist() {
if (cacheFileShouldBeCreated) {"Analysis cache created");
LOG.debug("Analysis cache created");
} else {"Analysis cache updated");
LOG.debug("Analysis cache updated");
} catch (final IOException e) {
LOG.error("Could not persist analysis cache to file: {}", e.getMessage());
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ class NioTextFile extends BaseCloseable implements TextFile {
this.charset = charset;
this.languageVersion = languageVersion;
// using the URI here, that handles files inside zip archives automatically (schema "jar:file:...!/path/inside/zip")
this.pathId = path.toUri().toString();
// normalization ensures cannonical paths
this.pathId = path.normalize().toUri().toString();

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.document.TextFile;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.document.TextFileContent;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.document.TextRange2d;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.ParametricRuleViolation;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.reporting.FileAnalysisListener;

class FileAnalysisCacheTest {

@@ -111,16 +113,19 @@ void testStoreOnUnwritableFileShouldntThrow() throws IOException {
void testStorePersistsFilesWithViolations() throws IOException {
final FileAnalysisCache cache = new FileAnalysisCache(newCacheFile);
cache.checkValidity(mock(RuleSets.class), mock(ClassLoader.class));
final FileAnalysisListener cacheListener = cache.startFileAnalysis(sourceFile);


final RuleViolation rv = mock(RuleViolation.class);
when(rv.getLocation()).thenReturn(FileLocation.range(sourceFile.getDisplayName(), TextRange2d.range2d(1, 2, 3, 4)));
final TextRange2d textLocation = TextRange2d.range2d(1, 2, 3, 4);
when(rv.getLocation()).thenReturn(FileLocation.range(sourceFile.getDisplayName(), textLocation));
final net.sourceforge.pmd.Rule rule = mock(net.sourceforge.pmd.Rule.class, Mockito.RETURNS_SMART_NULLS);


final FileAnalysisCache reloadedCache = new FileAnalysisCache(newCacheFile);
@@ -130,8 +135,65 @@ void testStorePersistsFilesWithViolations() throws IOException {

final List<RuleViolation> cachedViolations = reloadedCache.getCachedViolations(sourceFile);
assertEquals(1, cachedViolations.size(), "Cached rule violations count mismatch");
final RuleViolation cachedViolation = cachedViolations.get(0);
assertEquals(sourceFile.getDisplayName(), cachedViolation.getFilename());
assertEquals(textLocation.getStartLine(), cachedViolation.getBeginLine());
assertEquals(textLocation.getStartColumn(), cachedViolation.getBeginColumn());
assertEquals(textLocation.getEndLine(), cachedViolation.getEndLine());
assertEquals(textLocation.getEndColumn(), cachedViolation.getEndColumn());

void testDisplayNameIsRespected() throws Exception {
// This checks that the display name of the file is respected even if
// the file is assigned a different display name across runs. The path
// id is saved into the cache file, and the cache implementation updates the
// display name of the violations to match their current display name.

final net.sourceforge.pmd.Rule rule = mock(net.sourceforge.pmd.Rule.class, Mockito.RETURNS_SMART_NULLS);

final TextRange2d textLocation = TextRange2d.range2d(1, 2, 3, 4);

TextFile mockFile = mock(TextFile.class);

final FileAnalysisCache cache = new FileAnalysisCache(newCacheFile);
cache.checkValidity(mock(RuleSets.class), mock(ClassLoader.class));

try (TextDocument doc0 = TextDocument.create(mockFile)) {
try (FileAnalysisListener listener = cache.startFileAnalysis(doc0)) {
listener.onRuleViolation(new ParametricRuleViolation(rule, FileLocation.range(doc0.getDisplayName(), textLocation), "message"));
} finally {

// now try with another display name

private void reloadWithOneViolation(TextFile mockFile) throws IOException {
final FileAnalysisCache reloadedCache = new FileAnalysisCache(newCacheFile);
reloadedCache.checkValidity(mock(RuleSets.class), mock(ClassLoader.class));
try (TextDocument doc1 = TextDocument.create(mockFile)) {
"Cache believes unmodified file with violations is not up to date");
List<RuleViolation> cachedViolations = reloadedCache.getCachedViolations(doc1);
assertEquals(1, cachedViolations.size(), "Cached rule violations count mismatch");
final RuleViolation cachedViolation = cachedViolations.get(0);
assertEquals(mockFile.getDisplayName(), cachedViolation.getFilename());

void testCacheValidityWithNoChanges() throws IOException {
final RuleSets rs = mock(RuleSets.class);
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -40,6 +40,32 @@ void zipEntryMetadataDoesNotAffectFingerprint() throws IOException {
assertEquals(baselineFingerprint, updateFingerprint(file));
assertNotEquals(originalFileSize, file.length());

void zipEntryOrderDoesNotAffectFingerprint() throws IOException {
final File zipFile = tempDir.resolve("foo.jar").toFile();
final ZipEntry fooEntry = new ZipEntry("lib/Foo.class");
final ZipEntry barEntry = new ZipEntry("lib/Bar.class");
overwriteZipFileContents(zipFile, fooEntry, barEntry);
final long baselineFingerprint = getBaseLineFingerprint(zipFile);

// swap order
overwriteZipFileContents(zipFile, barEntry, fooEntry);
assertEquals(baselineFingerprint, updateFingerprint(zipFile));

void nonClassZipEntryDoesNotAffectFingerprint() throws IOException {
final File zipFile = tempDir.resolve("foo.jar").toFile();
final ZipEntry fooEntry = new ZipEntry("lib/Foo.class");
final ZipEntry barEntry = new ZipEntry("");
overwriteZipFileContents(zipFile, fooEntry);
final long baselineFingerprint = getBaseLineFingerprint(zipFile);

// add a properties file to the jar
overwriteZipFileContents(zipFile, fooEntry, barEntry);
assertEquals(baselineFingerprint, updateFingerprint(zipFile));

protected ClasspathEntryFingerprinter newFingerPrinter() {
Oops, something went wrong.

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