Using the code downloaded and just adding local.php and a modication to global.php for the database connection:
Regarding loading the index page for the first time:
public function indexAction
if (!is_null($this->_cache)) { //this always evaluates to true
!$this->_cache->hasItem(self::KEY_ALL_RESULTS) //this always evaluates to false
//Therefore fetchMostRecentFeeds never gets run so no records are displayed.
// (!is_null($this->_cache)) { // replaced with:
if (!isset($this->_cache)) {
// Then it runs and this shows I have a record:
// However index.phtml calls:
'babymonitor/feeds/results/search/default' => DIR . '/../view/baby-monitor/feeds/feed-results.phtml'
// feed-results.phtml calls $this->paginator
// However in FeedsController indexAction there is no reference to paginator, but searchAction does.
//I'm stuck, thanks.