Full documentation can be found on our website!
- Store is a typed repository that returns a flow of Data /Loading /Error from local and network data sources
- MutableStore is a mutable repository implementation that allows create (C), read (R), update (U), and delete (D) operations for local and network resources
- SourceOfTruth persists items
- Fetcher defines how data will be fetched over network
- Updater defines how local changes will be pushed to network
- Bookkeeper tracks metadata of local changes and records synchronization failures
- Validator returns whether an item is valid
- Converter converts items between Network /Local /Output representations
implementation "org.mobilenativefoundation.store:store5:5.0.0-alpha05"
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:atomicfu:0.18.5"
commonMain {
dependencies {
.from<Key, Network, Output, Local>(fetcher, sourceOfTruth)
.build(updater, bookkeeper)
request = StoreWriteRequest.of<Key, Output, Response>(
key = key,
value = value
1. StoreWriteResponse.Success.Typed<Response>(response)
store.stream<Response>(request = StoreReadRequest.cached(key, refresh = false))
1. StoreReadResponse.Data(value, origin = StoreReadResponseOrigin.Cache)
request = StoreWriteRequest.of<Key, Output, Response>(
key = key,
value = newValue
1. StoreWriteResponse.Success.Typed<Response>(response)
Copyright (c) 2022 Mobile Native Foundation.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.