Hello there! I'm a Software Team Lead and a passionate developer with expertise in data analysis, climate modeling, and modern software architectures. I enjoy building scalable solutions using technologies like Node.js, Django, and .NET Framework.
💡 My Goal: Solve complex problems through innovative technology and share knowledge along the way.
🌱 Currently Working On: Developing a web application for climate modeling and analysis using Google Earth Engine API and Django.
- Languages: Python, JavaScript (Node.js), C#, SQL
- Frameworks & Tools: Django, .NET Framework, Google Earth Engine API, GraphQL
- Areas of Expertise: Data Analysis, Spatial Data Science, Clean Code & Architecture
Climate Modeling and Data Analysis Application
🔗 [Project Link Coming Soon]
Using Google Earth Engine and Django, I’m building a web application that allows users to visualize and analyze climate data interactively. This project also serves as my Master’s Thesis.
I write about software development, data science, clean architecture, AI, and emotions on Medium.
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I enjoy writing detailed and technical posts on Substack. 📝 Check out!
🤝 Let's Connect!