Please use version at
Only supports 8812AU chipset.
Works fine with 5.3-rc7 kernel. Source now builds with no warnings or errors.
Greatly improved stability due to huge rewrite of phydm - "4 second glitch" seems to have been fixed, or at least vastly reduced, in driver version
Added (cosmeticly edited) original Realtek_Changelog.txt, this and dkms.conf.
Added device USB IDs, sorted by ID number. Added LED control by Makefile, module parameter and dynamic /proc writing. Added VHT extras. Added regdb files.
To build and install module manually:
$ make
$ sudo make install
To use dkms install:
(as root, or sudo) copy source folder contents to /usr/src/rtl8812au-5.2.20
$ sudo dkms add -m rtl8812au -v 5.2.20
$ sudo dkms build -m rtl8812au -v 5.2.20
$ sudo dkms install -m rtl8812au -v 5.2.20
To use dkms uninstall and remove:
$ sudo dkms remove -m rtl8812au -v 5.2.20 --all
Thanks to @dkadioglu and others for a start on this.
value can be y or n
options 8812au rtw_led_enable=0
value can be 0 or 1
$ echo "0" > /proc/net/rtl8812au/$(your interface name)/led_enable
value can be 0 or 1
$ cat /proc/net/rtl8812au/$(your interface name)/led_enable
As others have noted, people using NetworkManager need to add this stanza to /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
If needed, copy the regulatory database files in regdb/ to /lib/firmware/
$ sudo cp ./regdb/* /lib/firmware/