A Simple To-Do List Application For 'The Odin Project' Curriculum.
Thanks for checking out my front-end coding project.
- Listify
I will use the demo version of the application regularly myself and try to discover the current deficiencies and bugs in the application, as well as useful features that can be developed for the pro version.
- User's current theme mode preference, task creation form and task list items data are stored in their browsers.
- The area for sorting the user's current tasks according to the priority matrix has been developed.
- An show info card button has been added where the data of the created tasks can be displayed.
- The feature to edit created tasks has been developed.
- Delete task and empty task inbox buttons have been added so that created tasks can be deleted one by one or all at once.
- The task filtering feature has been developed so that created tasks can be sorted by frequency of repetition, progress status or remaining day.
- The feature to show tasks under separate subsections as custom tasks and repetitive tasks has been developed.