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Added profile files in the CLI
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Johann-PLW committed Nov 30, 2023
1 parent 0ea434b commit 9271d87
Showing 4 changed files with 148 additions and 24 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ $ python --help

## Contributing artifact plugins

Each plugin is a Python source file which should be added to the `scripts/artifacts` folder which will be loaded dynamically each time ILEAPP is run.
Each plugin is a Python source file which should be added to the `scripts/artifacts` folder which will be loaded dynamically each time ALEAPP is run.

The plugin source file must contain a dictionary named `__artifacts_v2__` at the very beginning of the module, which defines the artifacts that the plugin processes. The keys in the `__artifacts_v2__` dictionary should be IDs for the artifact(s) which must be unique within ILEAPP. The values should be dictionaries containing the following keys:
The plugin source file must contain a dictionary named `__artifacts_v2__` at the very beginning of the module, which defines the artifacts that the plugin processes. The keys in the `__artifacts_v2__` dictionary should be IDs for the artifact(s) which must be unique within ALEAPP. The values should be dictionaries containing the following keys:

- `name`: The name of the artifact as a string.
- `description`: A description of the artifact as a string.
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ __artifacts_v2__ = {
The functions referenced as entry points in the `__artifacts__` dictionary must take the following arguments:

* An iterable of the files found which are to be processed (as strings)
* The path of ILEAPP's output folder(as a string)
* The path of ALEAPP's output folder(as a string)
* The seeker (of type FileSeekerBase) which found the files
* A Boolean value indicating whether or not the plugin is expected to wrap text

@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ def get_cool_data1(files_found, report_folder, seeker, wrap_text):
pass # do processing here

Plugins are generally expected to provide output in ILEAPP's HTML output format, TSV, and optionally submit records to
Plugins are generally expected to provide output in ALEAPP's HTML output format, TSV, and optionally submit records to
the timeline. Functions for generating this output can be found in the `artifact_report` and `ilapfuncs` modules.
At a high level, an example might resemble:

140 changes: 134 additions & 6 deletions
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@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
import json
import argparse
import io
import os.path
import typing
import plugin_loader
import as report
import traceback

from scripts.search_files import *
from scripts.ilapfuncs import *
from scripts.version_info import aleapp_version
from time import process_time, gmtime, strftime, perf_counter

def validate_args(args):
if args.artifact_paths:
if args.artifact_paths or args.create_profile:
return # Skip further validation if --artifact_paths is used

# Ensure other arguments are provided
@@ -28,10 +30,88 @@ def validate_args(args):
if not os.path.exists(args.output_path):
raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, 'OUTPUT folder does not exist! Run the program again.')

if args.load_profile and not os.path.exists(args.load_profile):
raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, 'ALEAPP Profile file not found! Run the program again.')

timezone = pytz.timezone(args.timezone)
except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError:
raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, 'Unknown timezone! Run the program again.')

def create_profile(available_plugins, path):
available_parsers = []
for parser_data in available_plugins:
if != 'usagestatsVersion':

parsers_in_profile = {}

user_choice = ''
print('-' * 50)
print('Welcome to the ALEAPP Profile file creation\n')
instructions = 'You can type:\n'
instructions += ' - \'a\' to add or remove parsers in the profile file\n'
instructions += ' - \'l\' to display the list of all available parsers with their number\n'
instructions += ' - \'p\' to display the parsers added into the profile file\n'
instructions += ' - \'q\' to quit and save\n'
while not user_choice:
user_choice = input('Please enter your choice: ').lower()
if user_choice == "l":
print('Available parsers:')
for number, available_plugin in enumerate(available_parsers):
print(number + 1, available_plugin)
user_choice = ''
elif user_choice == "p":
if parsers_in_profile:
for number, parser in parsers_in_profile.items():
print(number, parser)
print('No parser added to the profile file\n')
user_choice = ''
elif user_choice == 'a':
parser_numbers = input('Enter the numbers of parsers, seperated by a comma, to add or remove in the profile file: ')
parser_numbers = parser_numbers.split(',')
parser_numbers = [parser_number.strip() for parser_number in parser_numbers]
for parser_number in parser_numbers:
if parser_number.isdigit():
parser_number = int(parser_number)
if parser_number > 0 and parser_number <= len(available_parsers):
if parser_number not in parsers_in_profile:
parser_to_add = available_parsers[parser_number - 1]
parsers_in_profile[parser_number] = parser_to_add
print(f'parser number {parser_number} {parser_to_add} was added')
parser_to_remove = parsers_in_profile[parser_number]
print(f'parser number {parser_number} {parser_to_remove} was removed')
del parsers_in_profile[parser_number]
print('Please enter the number of a parser!!!\n')
user_choice = ''
elif user_choice == "q":
if parsers_in_profile:
parsers = [parser_info[1] for parser_info in parsers_in_profile.values()]
profile_filename = ''
while not profile_filename:
profile_filename = input('Enter the name of the profile: ')
profile_filename += '.alprofile'
filename = os.path.join(path, profile_filename)
with open(filename, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as profile_file:
json.dump({"leapp": "aleapp", "format_version": 1, "plugins": parsers}, profile_file)
print('\nProfile saved:', filename)
print('No parser added. The profile file was not created.\n')
print('Please enter a valid choice!!!\n')
user_choice = ''

def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='ALEAPP: Android Logs, Events, and Protobuf Parser.')
@@ -46,13 +126,25 @@ def main():
parser.add_argument('-tz', '--timezone', required=False, action="store", default='UTC', type=str, help="Timezone name (e.g., 'America/New_York')")
parser.add_argument('-w', '--wrap_text', required=False, action="store_false", default=True,
help='Do not wrap text for output of data files')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--load_profile', required=False, action="store", help="Path to ALEAPP Profile file (.alprofile).")
parser.add_argument('-c', '--create_profile', required=False, action="store",
help=("Generate an ALEAPP Profile file (.alprofile) into the specified path. "
"This argument is meant to be used alone, without any other arguments."))
parser.add_argument('-p', '--artifact_paths', required=False, action="store_true",
help=("Generate a text file list of artifact paths. "
"This argument is meant to be used alone, without any other arguments."))

loader = plugin_loader.PluginLoader()
available_plugins = list(loader.plugins)
profile_filename = None
# Move usagestatsVersion plugin to first position
usagestatsVersion_index = next((i for i, selected_plugin in enumerate(available_plugins)
if == 'usagestatsVersion'), -1)
if usagestatsVersion_index != -1:
available_plugins.insert(0, available_plugins.pop(usagestatsVersion_index))

print(f"Info: {len(loader)} plugins loaded.")
print(f"Info: {len(available_plugins)} plugins loaded.")
selected_plugins = available_plugins.copy()

args = parser.parse_args()

@@ -77,6 +169,40 @@ def main():
print('Artifact path list generation completed')

if args.create_profile:
if os.path.isdir(args.create_profile):
create_profile(selected_plugins, args.create_profile)
print('OUTPUT folder for storing ALEAPP Profile file does not exist!\nRun the program again.')

if args.load_profile:
profile_filename = args.load_profile
profile_load_error = None
with open(profile_filename, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as profile_file:
profile = json.load(profile_file)
except json.JSONDecodeError as json_ex:
profile_load_error = f"File was not a valid profile file: {json_ex}"

if not profile_load_error:
if isinstance(profile, dict):
if profile.get("leapp") != "aleapp" or profile.get("format_version") != 1:
profile_load_error = "File was not a valid profile file: incorrect LEAPP or version"
profile_plugins = set(profile.get("plugins", []))
selected_plugins = [selected_plugin for selected_plugin in available_plugins
if in profile_plugins or == 'usagestatsVersion']
profile_load_error = "File was not a valid profile file: invalid format"

input_path = args.input_path
extracttype = args.t
wrap_text = args.wrap_text
@@ -96,12 +222,12 @@ def main():
except NameError:
casedata = {}

crunch_artifacts(list(loader.plugins), extracttype, input_path, out_params, 1, wrap_text, loader, casedata, time_offset)
crunch_artifacts(selected_plugins, extracttype, input_path, out_params, 1, wrap_text, loader, casedata, time_offset, profile_filename)

def crunch_artifacts(
plugins: typing.Sequence[plugin_loader.PluginSpec], extracttype, input_path, out_params, ratio, wrap_text,
loader: plugin_loader.PluginLoader, casedata, time_offset):
loader: plugin_loader.PluginLoader, casedata, time_offset, profile_filename):
start = process_time()
start_wall = perf_counter()

@@ -111,7 +237,7 @@ def crunch_artifacts(
logfunc(f'ALEAPP v{aleapp_version}: ALEAPP Logs, Events, and Protobuf Parser')
logfunc('Objective: Triage Android Full System Extractions.')
logfunc('By: Alexis Brignoni | @AlexisBrignoni |')
logfunc('By: Yogesh Khatri | @SwiftForensics |')
logfunc('By: Yogesh Khatri | @SwiftForensics |\n')

seeker = None
@@ -137,7 +263,9 @@ def crunch_artifacts(
return False

# Now ready to run
logfunc(f'Artifact categories to parse: {str(len(plugins))}')
if profile_filename:
logfunc(f'Loaded profile: {profile_filename}')
logfunc(f'Artifact categories to parse: {len(plugins)}')
logfunc(f'File/Directory selected: {input_path}')

18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
import json
import pathlib
import typing
import aleapp
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import webbrowser
import plugin_loader
from scripts.ilapfuncs import *
from scripts.version_info import aleapp_version
from time import process_time, gmtime, strftime
from scripts.search_files import *

@@ -53,7 +51,7 @@ def ValidateInput(values, window):

# initialize CheckBox control with module name
def CheckList(mtxt, lkey, mdstring, disable=False):
if mdstring == 'photosMetadata' or mdstring == 'journalStrings' or mdstring == 'walStrings': #items in the if are modules that take a long time to run. Deselects them by default.
if mdstring == 'walStrings': #items in the if are modules that take a long time to run. Deselects them by default.
dstate = False
dstate = True
@@ -120,6 +118,7 @@ def pickModules():
# Create the Window
window = sg.Window(f'ALEAPP version {aleapp_version}', layout)
GuiWindow.progress_bar_handle = window['PROGRESSBAR']
profile_filename = None

# Event Loop to process "events" and get the "values" of the inputs
while True:
@@ -171,7 +170,7 @@ def pickModules():
profile_load_error = "File was not a valid profile file: incorrect LEAPP or version"
ticked = set(profile.get("plugins", []))
ticked.add("lastbuild") # always
ticked.add("usagestatsVersion") # always
for x in range(MODULE_START_INDEX, module_end_index):
if window[x].metadata in ticked:
@@ -184,6 +183,7 @@ def pickModules():
sg.popup(f"Loaded profile: {destination_path}")
profile_filename = destination_path

if event == 'LOAD CASE DATA':
destination_path = sg.popup_get_file(
@@ -218,21 +218,21 @@ def pickModules():
input_path = values[0]
output_folder = values[1]

# ios file system extractions contain paths > 260 char, which causes problems
# Android file system extractions contain paths > 260 char, which causes problems
# This fixes the problem by prefixing \\?\ on each windows path.
if is_platform_windows():
if input_path[1] == ':' and extracttype =='fs': input_path = '\\\\?\\' + input_path.replace('/', '\\')
if output_folder[1] == ':': output_folder = '\\\\?\\' + output_folder.replace('/', '\\')

# re-create modules list based on user selection
# search_list = { 'lastBuild' : tosearch['lastBuild'] } # hardcode lastBuild as first item
search_list = [loader['usagestatsVersion']] # hardcode lastBuild as first item
# search_list = { 'usagestatsVersion' : tosearch['usagestatsVersion'] } # hardcode usagestatsVersion as first item
search_list = [loader['usagestatsVersion']] # hardcode usagestatsVersion as first item

s_items = 0
for x in range(MODULE_START_INDEX, module_end_index):
if window.FindElement(x).Get():
key = window[x].metadata
if key in loader and key != 'lastbuild':
if key in loader and key != 'usagestatsVersion':
s_items = s_items + 1 # for progress bar

@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ def pickModules():
casedata = {}

crunch_successful = aleapp.crunch_artifacts(
search_list, extracttype, input_path, out_params, len(loader)/s_items, wrap_text, loader, casedata, time_offset)
search_list, extracttype, input_path, out_params, len(loader)/s_items, wrap_text, loader, casedata, time_offset, profile_filename)
if crunch_successful:
report_path = os.path.join(out_params.report_folder_base, 'index.html')

6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
'BUILD INFO': 'terminal',
'IOS SYSTEM VERSION': 'git-commit',
'PARTNER SETTINGS': 'settings',
'SETTINGS_SECURE_': 'settings',
'default': 'info',
@@ -496,10 +496,6 @@
'ATTACHMENTS': 'paperclip',
'CONTACTS': 'user',
'IOS ATXDATASTORE': 'database',
'IOS BUILD': 'git-commit',
'IOS BUILD (ITUNES BACKUP)': 'git-commit',
'IOS SCREENS': 'maximize',

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