MemoryError: Unable to allocate 8.45 GiB for an array with shape (300, 300, 12600) and data type float64 #25
I'm trying to create velocity model of small size; I keep getting Memory error, even after reducing the model size significantly. Any suggestion about how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated. Here is the error message:
MemoryError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[13], line 69
67 # Initialize and build the complex velocity model
68 velocity_model = ComplexVelocityModel(config)
---> 69 model_data = velocity_model.build_model()
71 # Plot the velocity model
72 velocity_model.plot_velocity_model()
Cell In[13], line 18, in ComplexVelocityModel.build_model(self)
15 os.makedirs(self.cfg['model_folder'], exist_ok=True)
16 os.makedirs(self.cfg['temp_folder'], exist_ok=True)
---> 18 self.model = mn.build_model(user_json=self.cfg['config_file'], run_id=self.cfg['run_id'])
20 return self.model
File ~\Desktop\seis\high_resolution_ML\synthoseis-master\, in build_model(user_json, run_id, test_mode, rpm_factors)
29 # Build un-faulted geological models
30 geo_models = Geomodel(p, depth_maps, onlap_list, facies)
---> 31 geo_models.build_unfaulted_geomodels()
33 # Build Faults
34 f = Faults(p, depth_maps, onlap_list, geo_models, fan_list, fan_thicknesses)
File ~\Desktop\seis\high_resolution_ML\synthoseis-master\datagenerator\, in Geomodel.build_unfaulted_geomodels(self)
86 def build_unfaulted_geomodels(self):
87 """
88 Build unfaulted geomodels.
89 --------------------------
109 None
110 """
--> 111 self.geologic_age[:] = self.create_geologic_age_3d_from_infilled_horizons(
112 self.depth_maps
113 )
114 self.onlap_segments[:] = self.insert_onlap_surfaces()
File ~\Desktop\seis\high_resolution_ML\synthoseis-master\datagenerator\, in Geomodel.create_geologic_age_3d_from_infilled_horizons(self, depth_maps, verbose)
194 # create geologic age cube
195 age_range = np.linspace(0.0, float(cube_shape[2] - 1), cube_shape[2])
--> 196 age = np.zeros(cube_shape, "float")
197 for i in range(cube_shape[0]):
198 for j in range(cube_shape[1]):
MemoryError: Unable to allocate 8.45 GiB for an array with shape (300, 300, 12600) and data type float64