A Linux distribution that mimics MacOS (modern and classic) iOS, and other Apple operating systems, but is open, customizable, and free to use on non-apple hardware.
As of May 27th 2020 at 11:21 pm, this project is still only just a concept, and is in no way functional yet. I am just laying the foundation at the moment.
Thought of by Sean on August 27th 2019
Linux distribution that has most of the functionality of MacOS 10.9 but without proprietary features A desktop environment menu where you can change the theme to make the OS look like
- System 1
- System 2
- System 3
- System 4
- System 5
- System 6
- MacOS 7
- MacOS 8
- MacOS 9
- MacOS X Beta
- MacOS X 10.0
- MacOS X 10.1
- MacOS X 10.2
- MacOS X 10.3
- MacOS X 10.4
- MacOS X 10.5
- MacOS X 10.6
- MacOS X 10.7
- OS X 10.8
- OS X 10.9
Those are all the good environments Below it are the solid color ones which might not be implementable for a while due to Apples copyright
- MacOS 10.10
- MacOS 10.11
- MacOS 10.12
- MacOS 10.13
- MacOS 10.14
- MacOS 10.15
- MacOS 10.16
It also has iOS theme functionality:
- iPhone OS 1
- iPhone OS 2
- iPhone OS 3
- iOS 4
- iOS 5
- iOS 6
- iOS 7
- iOS 8
- iOS 9
- iOS 10
- iOS 11
- iOS 12
- iOS 13
WacOS will be a Linux based operating system that acts like MacOS, but with improved functionality, being more open, and having new and other features
its naming (LacOS didn't seem like a good name, as it sounds like "Lack OS" which shouldn't be associated with a Linux distribution, and it was 5:33 in the morning, so I don't know where the W came from. Just note the W does not stand for Windows
Pronounced like: Wack O S or Walk O S or however you would like to pronounce it
It can act as a MacOS port that isn't developed by apple, and doesn't need an expensive computer to run with. Linux users constantly go through phases of different operating systems themes, a lot of Linux users go through a MacOS phase, I haven't yet, but I could in the future It will be highly functional, and will be written in C for the core, and Python for the system, as I want to continue to spread Python, it is a great programming language, it is simple to write, and very powerful Some features include a desktop interface changer that can make the distro function like any version of MacOS, without the restrictiveness, and proprietary functionality iOS and MacOS programs from System 1 to the latest version, and iPhone OS 1 to the latest version will be supported
The system will be at minimum 64 bit, but will contain 32 bit, 16 bit, 8 bit, and 4 bit libraries (I also plan on having 128 bit libraries)
The system MUST be light, with no more than 1 Gigabyte of RAM being used by the system itself at any time. On Idle, it should use no more than 500 Megabytes of RAM.
It must be compatible with virtualization software like VirtualBox, Qemu, VMWare, etc. If anyone wants to go through and make it compatible with hyper-V, it is completely optional
If this is to be completed, it must be better than Windows and MacOS
- version1-0.0.a(Concept-release)
- version2-0.0.b(Concept-release)
- version3-0.0.c(Concept-release)
- Coming soon
- noos gnimoC
No Alpha releases have been made yet
No Beta releases have been made yet
No Full releases have been made yet
Currently, there is only 1 developer. More will be added in the future. I can't maintain this project on my own, I am going to need volunteers.
- SeanPM2001 - 95 revisions (As of May 27th 2020 at 11:21 pm)
- No other developers
Currently, the program is only supplied in the English language.
Languages are listed in A-Z order
- Assembly
- C
- Markdown
- Motorola S-RECORD
- Objective-C
- Python
- Swift
- Text
ReadMe version: 6 (May 27th 2020 23:21 (11:21 pm))