Hi there 👋, I'm Sean (he/him), a Software Security Engineer with an interest in security research and web development
- 💤 I've worked as a WordPress developer and designer, examples of my work in that field are in the portfolio links below.
- 🏔️ Development wise I'm currently focusing on Vue.js and Svelte.
- 🎓 Mixing time spent on CTFs and Hack the Box machines with focused study of Hack the Box Academy's materials. Learning Nuxt 3 + Tailwind to improve on my own internal projects.
- WordPress, using the Genesis Framework: Law School Toolbox & Bar Exam Toolbox.
- Wordpress + Shopify mirrored design with a cross-site shopping cart integration (design reference).
- 🏃 Parkour coaching site design and build, Hugo based static site using PostCSS and Webpack—fun fact: the client was me, I'm the parkour coach in question.
- Forum SPA built in Vue 3 plus Firebase; ongoing project to refactor to use Vite, Pinia, and a different DB solution.
- E-commmerce site project built as part of VueJS Forge 2, Nuxt 3 with Pinia and Vite, heavy emphasis on API integrations with a CMS (contentful) and backend DB (Deskree). WIP, making improvements since finishing the event.
- Ansible playbook for Kali builds
- Python script to deduplicate wordlists