From 96d56d95bb204000c627523b841be314ba0e5f8b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dietrich Brunn
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2024 00:18:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] ENH: signal.chirp(): Add functionality of complex-valued
* Added boolean parameter `complex`
* Simplified `signal.chirp()` code
* Added unit tests (including switching over to `xp_assert_allclose`)
* Improved docstr
Co-authored-by: Anil Gurses
scipy/signal/ | 192 ++++++++++++++-------------
scipy/signal/tests/ | 27 ++++
2 files changed, 129 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-)
diff --git a/scipy/signal/ b/scipy/signal/
index a1a6888763ca..a6be46cfd386 100644
--- a/scipy/signal/
+++ b/scipy/signal/
@@ -257,8 +257,9 @@ def gausspulse(t, fc=1000, bw=0.5, bwr=-6, tpr=-60, retquad=False,
return yI, yQ, yenv
-def chirp(t, f0, t1, f1, method='linear', phi=0, vertex_zero=True):
- """Frequency-swept cosine generator.
+def chirp(t, f0, t1, f1, method='linear', phi=0, vertex_zero=True, *,
+ complex=False):
+ r"""Frequency-swept cosine generator.
In the following, 'Hz' should be interpreted as 'cycles per unit';
there is no requirement here that the unit is one second. The
@@ -284,14 +285,21 @@ def chirp(t, f0, t1, f1, method='linear', phi=0, vertex_zero=True):
This parameter is only used when `method` is 'quadratic'.
It determines whether the vertex of the parabola that is the graph
of the frequency is at t=0 or t=t1.
+ complex : bool, optional
+ This parameter creates a complex-valued analytic signal instead of a
+ real-valued signal. It allows the use of complex baseband (in communications
+ domain). Default is False.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.15.0
y : ndarray
- A numpy array containing the signal evaluated at `t` with the
- requested time-varying frequency. More precisely, the function
- returns ``cos(phase + (pi/180)*phi)`` where `phase` is the integral
- (from 0 to `t`) of ``2*pi*f(t)``. ``f(t)`` is defined below.
+ A numpy array containing the signal evaluated at `t` with the requested
+ time-varying frequency. More precisely, the function returns
+ ``exp(1j*phase + 1j*(pi/180)*phi) if complex else cos(phase + (pi/180)*phi)``
+ where `phase` is the integral (from 0 to `t`) of ``2*pi*f(t)``.
+ The instantaneous frequency ``f(t)`` is defined below.
See Also
@@ -299,120 +307,124 @@ def chirp(t, f0, t1, f1, method='linear', phi=0, vertex_zero=True):
- There are four options for the `method`. The following formulas give
- the instantaneous frequency (in Hz) of the signal generated by
- `chirp()`. For convenience, the shorter names shown below may also be
- used.
- linear, lin, li:
- ``f(t) = f0 + (f1 - f0) * t / t1``
- quadratic, quad, q:
+ There are four possible options for the parameter `method`, which have a (long)
+ standard form and some allowed abbreviations. The formulas for the instantaneous
+ frequency :math:`f(t)` of the generated signal are as follows:
- The graph of the frequency f(t) is a parabola through (0, f0) and
- (t1, f1). By default, the vertex of the parabola is at (0, f0).
- If `vertex_zero` is False, then the vertex is at (t1, f1). The
- formula is:
+ 1. Parameter `method` in ``('linear', 'lin', 'li')``:
- if vertex_zero is True:
+ .. math::
+ f(t) = f_0 + \beta\, t \quad\text{with}\quad
+ \beta = \frac{f_1 - f_0}{t_1}
- ``f(t) = f0 + (f1 - f0) * t**2 / t1**2``
+ Frequency :math:`f(t)` varies linearly over time with a constant rate
+ :math:`\beta`.
- else:
+ 2. Parameter `method` in ``('quadratic', 'quad', 'q')``:
- ``f(t) = f1 - (f1 - f0) * (t1 - t)**2 / t1**2``
+ .. math::
+ f(t) =
+ \begin{cases}
+ f_0 + \beta\, t^2 & \text{if vertex_zero is True,}\\
+ f_1 + \beta\, (t_1 - t)^2 & \text{otherwise,}
+ \end{cases}
+ \quad\text{with}\quad
+ \beta = \frac{f_1 - f_0}{t_1^2}
- To use a more general quadratic function, or an arbitrary
- polynomial, use the function `scipy.signal.sweep_poly`.
+ The graph of the frequency f(t) is a parabola through :math:`(0, f_0)` and
+ :math:`(t_1, f_1)`. By default, the vertex of the parabola is at
+ :math:`(0, f_0)`. If `vertex_zero` is ``False``, then the vertex is at
+ :math:`(t_1, f_1)`.
+ To use a more general quadratic function, or an arbitrary
+ polynomial, use the function `scipy.signal.sweep_poly`.
- logarithmic, log, lo:
+ 3. Parameter `method` in ``('logarithmic', 'log', 'lo')``:
- ``f(t) = f0 * (f1/f0)**(t/t1)``
+ .. math::
+ f(t) = f_0 \left(\frac{f_1}{f_0}\right)^{t/t_1}
- f0 and f1 must be nonzero and have the same sign.
+ :math:`f_0` and :math:`f_1` must be nonzero and have the same sign.
+ This signal is also known as a geometric or exponential chirp.
- This signal is also known as a geometric or exponential chirp.
+ 4. Parameter `method` in ``('hyperbolic', 'hyp')``:
- hyperbolic, hyp:
+ .. math::
+ f(t) = \frac{\alpha}{\beta\, t + \gamma} \quad\text{with}\quad
+ \alpha = f_0 f_1 t_1, \ \beta = f_0 - f_1, \ \gamma = f_1 t_1
- ``f(t) = f0*f1*t1 / ((f0 - f1)*t + f1*t1)``
+ :math:`f_0` and :math:`f_1` must be nonzero.
- f0 and f1 must be nonzero.
- The following will be used in the examples:
+ For the first example, a linear chirp ranging from 6 Hz to 1 Hz over 10 seconds is
+ plotted:
>>> import numpy as np
- >>> from scipy.signal import chirp, spectrogram
+ >>> from matplotlib.pyplot import tight_layout
+ >>> from scipy.signal import chirp, square, ShortTimeFFT
+ >>> from import gaussian
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- For the first example, we'll plot the waveform for a linear chirp
- from 6 Hz to 1 Hz over 10 seconds:
- >>> t = np.linspace(0, 10, 1500)
- >>> w = chirp(t, f0=6, f1=1, t1=10, method='linear')
- >>> plt.plot(t, w)
- >>> plt.title("Linear Chirp, f(0)=6, f(10)=1")
- >>> plt.xlabel('t (sec)')
- >>>
- For the remaining examples, we'll use higher frequency ranges,
- and demonstrate the result using `scipy.signal.spectrogram`.
- We'll use a 4 second interval sampled at 7200 Hz.
- >>> fs = 7200
- >>> T = 4
- >>> t = np.arange(0, int(T*fs)) / fs
- We'll use this function to plot the spectrogram in each example.
- >>> def plot_spectrogram(title, w, fs):
- ... ff, tt, Sxx = spectrogram(w, fs=fs, nperseg=256, nfft=576)
- ... fig, ax = plt.subplots()
- ... ax.pcolormesh(tt, ff[:145], Sxx[:145], cmap='gray_r',
- ... shading='gouraud')
- ... ax.set_title(title)
- ... ax.set_xlabel('t (sec)')
- ... ax.set_ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
- ... ax.grid(True)
- Quadratic chirp from 1500 Hz to 250 Hz
- (vertex of the parabolic curve of the frequency is at t=0):
- >>> w = chirp(t, f0=1500, f1=250, t1=T, method='quadratic')
- >>> plot_spectrogram(f'Quadratic Chirp, f(0)=1500, f({T})=250', w, fs)
- >>>
- Quadratic chirp from 1500 Hz to 250 Hz
- (vertex of the parabolic curve of the frequency is at t=T):
- >>> w = chirp(t, f0=1500, f1=250, t1=T, method='quadratic',
- ... vertex_zero=False)
- >>> plot_spectrogram(f'Quadratic Chirp, f(0)=1500, f({T})=250\\n' +
- ... '(vertex_zero=False)', w, fs)
+ >>> N, T = 1000, 0.01 # number of samples and sampling interval for 10 s signal
+ >>> t = np.arange(N) * T # timestamps
+ ...
+ >>> x_lin = chirp(t, f0=6, f1=1, t1=10, method='linear')
+ ...
+ >>> fg0, ax0 = plt.subplots()
+ >>> ax0.set_title(r"Linear Chirp from $f(0)=6\,$Hz to $f(10)=1\,$Hz")
+ >>> ax0.set(xlabel="Time $t$ in Seconds", ylabel=r"Amplitude $x_\text{lin}(t)$")
+ >>> ax0.plot(t, x_lin)
- Logarithmic chirp from 1500 Hz to 250 Hz:
+ The following four plots each show the short-time Fourier transform of a chirp
+ ranging from 45 Hz to 5 Hz with different values for the parameter `method`
+ (and `vertex_zero`):
- >>> w = chirp(t, f0=1500, f1=250, t1=T, method='logarithmic')
- >>> plot_spectrogram(f'Logarithmic Chirp, f(0)=1500, f({T})=250', w, fs)
+ >>> x_qu0 = chirp(t, f0=45, f1=5, t1=N*T, method='quadratic', vertex_zero=True)
+ >>> x_qu1 = chirp(t, f0=45, f1=5, t1=N*T, method='quadratic', vertex_zero=False)
+ >>> x_log = chirp(t, f0=45, f1=5, t1=N*T, method='logarithmic')
+ >>> x_hyp = chirp(t, f0=45, f1=5, t1=N*T, method='hyperbolic')
+ ...
+ >>> win = gaussian(50, std=12, sym=True)
+ >>> SFT = ShortTimeFFT(win, hop=2, fs=1/T, mfft=800, scale_to='magnitude')
+ >>> ts = ("'quadratic', vertex_zero=True", "'quadratic', vertex_zero=False",
+ ... "'logarithmic'", "'hyperbolic'")
+ >>> fg1, ax1s = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex='all', sharey='all',
+ ... figsize=(6, 5), layout="constrained")
+ >>> for x_, ax_, t_ in zip([x_qu0, x_qu1, x_log, x_hyp], ax1s.ravel(), ts):
+ ... aSx = abs(SFT.stft(x_))
+ ... im_ = ax_.imshow(aSx, origin='lower', aspect='auto', extent=SFT.extent(N),
+ ... cmap='plasma')
+ ... ax_.set_title(t_)
+ ... if t_ == "'hyperbolic'":
+ ... fg1.colorbar(im_, ax=ax1s, label='Magnitude $|S_z(t,f)|$')
+ >>> _ = fg1.supxlabel("Time $t$ in Seconds") # `_ =` is needed to pass doctests
+ >>> _ = fg1.supylabel("Frequency $f$ in Hertz")
- Hyperbolic chirp from 1500 Hz to 250 Hz:
+ Finally, the short-time Fourier transform of a complex-valued linear chirp
+ ranging from -30 Hz to 30 Hz is depicted:
- >>> w = chirp(t, f0=1500, f1=250, t1=T, method='hyperbolic')
- >>> plot_spectrogram(f'Hyperbolic Chirp, f(0)=1500, f({T})=250', w, fs)
+ >>> z_lin = chirp(t, f0=-30, f1=30, t1=N*T, method="linear", complex=True)
+ >>> SFT.fft_mode = 'centered' # needed to work with complex signals
+ >>> aSz = abs(SFT.stft(z_lin))
+ ...
+ >>> fg2, ax2 = plt.subplots()
+ >>> ax2.set_title(r"Linear Chirp from $-30\,$Hz to $30\,$Hz")
+ >>> ax2.set(xlabel="Time $t$ in Seconds", ylabel="Frequency $f$ in Hertz")
+ >>> im2 = ax2.imshow(aSz, origin='lower', aspect='auto',
+ ... extent=SFT.extent(N), cmap='viridis')
+ >>> fg2.colorbar(im2, label='Magnitude $|S_z(t,f)|$')
+ Note that using negative frequencies makes only sense with complex-valued signals.
+ Furthermore, the magnitude of the complex exponential function is one whereas the
+ magnitude of the real-valued cosine function is only 1/2.
# 'phase' is computed in _chirp_phase, to make testing easier.
- phase = _chirp_phase(t, f0, t1, f1, method, vertex_zero)
- # Convert phi to radians.
- phi *= pi / 180
- return cos(phase + phi)
+ phase = _chirp_phase(t, f0, t1, f1, method, vertex_zero) + np.deg2rad(phi)
+ return np.exp(1j*phase) if complex else np.cos(phase)
def _chirp_phase(t, f0, t1, f1, method='linear', vertex_zero=True):
diff --git a/scipy/signal/tests/ b/scipy/signal/tests/
index ae5b9cd15b0b..b30f7b9ceba8 100644
--- a/scipy/signal/tests/
+++ b/scipy/signal/tests/
@@ -73,6 +73,28 @@ def test_linear_freq_02(self):
abserr = np.max(np.abs(f - chirp_linear(tf, f0, f1, t1)))
assert abserr < 1e-6
+ def test_linear_complex_power(self):
+ method = 'linear'
+ f0 = 1.0
+ f1 = 2.0
+ t1 = 1.0
+ t = np.linspace(0, t1, 100)
+ w_real = waveforms.chirp(t, f0, t1, f1, method, complex=False)
+ w_complex = waveforms.chirp(t, f0, t1, f1, method, complex=True)
+ w_pwr_r = np.var(w_real)
+ w_pwr_c = np.var(w_complex)
+ # Making sure that power of the real part is not affected with
+ # complex conversion operation
+ err = w_pwr_r - np.real(w_pwr_c)
+ assert(err < 1e-6)
+ def test_linear_complex_at_zero(self):
+ w = waveforms.chirp(t=0, f0=-10.0, f1=1.0, t1=1.0, method='linear',
+ complex=True)
+ xp_assert_close(w, 1.0+0.0j) # dtype must match
def test_quadratic_at_zero(self):
w = waveforms.chirp(t=0, f0=1.0, f1=2.0, t1=1.0, method='quadratic')
assert_almost_equal(w, 1.0)
@@ -82,6 +104,11 @@ def test_quadratic_at_zero2(self):
assert_almost_equal(w, 1.0)
+ def test_quadratic_complex_at_zero(self):
+ w = waveforms.chirp(t=0, f0=-1.0, f1=2.0, t1=1.0, method='quadratic',
+ complex=True)
+ xp_assert_close(w, 1.0+0j)
def test_quadratic_freq_01(self):
method = 'quadratic'
f0 = 1.0