Release Notes
We are pleased to announce the latest release with several important fixes and documentation improvements to ensure compatibility with the latest versions of SciPy and NumPy.
Bug Fixes
[FIX]: Updated to address the deprecation of the scipy.ndimage.morphology namespace. The grey_opening function should now be imported from the scipy.ndimage namespace. (Commit: 768e831)
[FIX]: Resolved an import error when using gaussian from scipy.signal in SciPy versions >= 1.13.0. Please use instead. (Commit: e434362)
[FIX]: Replaced the nyq parameter with fs in scipy.signal.firwin to maintain compliance with SciPy versions > 12.0.0. (Commit: 0f9e1d5)
[FIX]: Ensured compatibility with NumPy v2.0.0. (Commit: f8ecccd)
[FIX]: Added an internal function _quantile_is_valid to address the removal of this functionality in NumPy v2.0.0. (Commit: 9783bb7, e0d336b)
[DOC]: Added a link to Google Colab in the ADI and ADI functions documentation for easier access. (Commit: 9bf1294)
[DOC]: Added a License badge to the documentation. (Commit: c9f9e9b)
[DOC]: Made minor improvements to the documentation webpage. (Commit: caa8b7d)
[DOC]: Updated the version number in the documentation. (Commit: b8a0d52)
Thank you to all contributors for helping us maintain the quality and compatibility of our codebase. We encourage users to upgrade to this latest version to benefit from these updates.
Full Changelog: v1.4.2...v1.4.3