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This documents my adventures in real mode x86. It (will) contain documentation about x86 gathered from many different sources.

Starter Tutorial

We will learn about real mode x86 by building a simple operating system. This is done inorder to remove complexity due to running an existing complicated OS. First copy this simple 'hello a' program and save it as hello_a.asm

[bits 16]
[org 0x7c00]
mov ah,0x0e;tty mode
mov al,'a';write a
int 0x10;write 'a'
jmp $;hang forever

times 510-($-$$) db 0;set code required for bios to boot disk
dw 0xaa55

next compile the code with

nasm hello_a.asm -f bin -o out

finally run the code in a VM with

qemu-system-x86_64 -fda out

Basic Operation

cpu's run by grabbing instructions from ram and executing the instructions. Data can be stored in two places ram and registers. Ram is a large pool of relativly slow storage. In assembly it operates like a large array from C and is indexed with addresses. The other storage mechanism is registers. Registers are located on the cpu and are easy and fast to access.

Name Description Size
ax general purpose register 2 Bytes
al lower half of ax 1 byte
ah upper half of ax 1 byte
bx general purpose register 2 bytes
bl lower half of bx 1 byte
bh upper half of bx 1 byte
cx general purpose register 2 bytes
cl lower half of cx 1 byte
ch upper half of cx 1 byte
dx general purpose register 2 bytes
dl lower half of dx 1 byte
dh upper half of dx 1 byte

Segment Registers

Segment registers are used to access the entirety of memory. More will be described later.

CS Code Segment

DS Data Segment

SS Stack Segment

ES Extra Segment


the instruction MOV tells the cpu to move data. It can move data from register to register, memory to register and register to memory.

mov ax,bx

this moves the data in register in bx to ax

mov [ax],bx

this moves the data in bx to the part of ram pointed to by ax


This instruction performs an unsigned addition between two registers (or memory)

add ax,bx

this adds two numbers together and stores answer in ax


Performs binary and operation on operands

and ax,bx

this stores the result in ax. An example of an and operation is shown below.

        0110 0100  0110 1010
        1010 1010  0111 0101
    AND ----------------------
        0010 0000  0110 0000


Performs binary or between operands and stores result in first operand

or ax,bx

this stores the result in ax. An example of an or operation is shown below.

        0110 0100  0110 1010
        1010 1010  0111 0101
    OR ----------------------
        1110 1110  0111 1111


Performs binary xor between operands and stores result in first operand

xor ax,bx

this stores the result in ax. An example of an xor operation is shown below.

        0110 0100  0110 1010
        1010 1010  0111 0101
    XOR ----------------------
        1100 1110  0001 1111


Moves the specified value into IP. is used to execute different parts of code. For example the following example is an infinite loop

    mov ax,5
    jmp loop_begin


The stack is a first in first out data structure that is commonly used to store information relating to the call stack such as temporary variables. The top of the stack is pointed to by the stack pointer (register SP). Data is pushed onto the stack with the operation push. PUSH increments SP and moves the operand to the location pointed to by SP. data is accessed by POP. POP decrements SP and returns data pointed to by SP


Call uses the stack to make it easy to call procedures and return back to the original procedure. The call prodedure pushes IP+1 onto the stack and jumps to the operand.


Ret pops IP off of the stack. It is used to return from a procedure. An example is shown below.

mov ax,5
call side_task;go to side task
jmp main_proc

Memory Operations

In real mode x86 a single register can not index the full 1 MB of address space. Inorder to access memory two registers are used for indexing. The accessed index is calculated with the following formula.


The offset register can be ES,DS,SS,and CS. inorder to set the offset registers the value has to be moved first into a general purpose register.

;this sets es to 0x10
mov ax,0x10
mov es,ax


Interrupts are events than can be triggerd by hardware or software using the int instruction. The address of the executed code is stored in the Interrupt vector table. The interrupt vector table is in the first 1024 bytes of ram. Each address is a 32 bit address. here is a program to write address 0x11200 to interrupt 0 (system timer)

;move 0 into the data segment
mov ax,0
mov ds,ax
;address to write to
mov bx,0
;getting addresses set up
mov ax,0x1200
mov [bx],ax
;writting to high bit
inc bx
mov ax,0x1
mov [bx],ax


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