A copypastable guide to implementing simple derive macros in Rust.
Let's say we have a trait with a getter
trait MyTrait {
fn answer() -> i32 {
And we want to be able to derive it and initialize the getter
struct Foo;
#[my_trait(answer = 0)]
struct Bar;
fn default() {
assert_eq!(Foo::answer(), 42);
fn getter() {
assert_eq!(Bar::answer(), 0);
So these derives would expand into
impl MyTrait for Foo {}
impl MyTrait for Bar {
fn answer() -> i32 {
Proc macros should live in a separate crate. Let's create one in a sub-folder and make it a dependency for our root crate
cargo new --lib mytrait-derive
cargo add mytrait-derive --path mytrait-derive
We should also tell Cargo that mytrait-derive
is a proc-macro crate:
cat >> mytrait-derive/Cargo.toml << EOF
proc-macro = true
Now let's make #[derive(MyTrait)]
work. We'll need to add a few dependencies
to our macro crate
cd mytrait-derive
cargo add proc-macro2@1.0 quote@1.0
cargo add syn@1.0 --features full
And here's our default trait implementation (mytrait-derive/src/lib.rs
use proc_macro::{self, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use syn::{parse_macro_input, DeriveInput};
pub fn derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let DeriveInput { ident, .. } = parse_macro_input!(input);
let output = quote! {
impl MyTrait for #ident {}
You can think of ident
as a name of a struct or enum we're deriving the
implementation for. We're getting it from the parse_macro_input!
and then we
use it in the quote!
, which is like a template engine for Rust code
Now this test (src/lib.rs
) should pass:
use mytrait_derive::MyTrait;
trait MyTrait {
fn answer() -> i32 {
struct Foo;
fn default() {
assert_eq!(Foo::answer(), 42);
Also you should be able to find the implementation in the output of cargo-expand
cargo expand | grep 'impl MyTrait'
impl MyTrait for Foo {}
Now it's time to make our getter initializable by #[my_trait(answer = ...)]
attribute. We'll need one more crate for convenient parsing of the
initialization value
cd mytrait-derive
cargo add darling@0.13
Here's the final version of our macro (mytrait-derive/src/lib.rs
use darling::FromDeriveInput;
use proc_macro::{self, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use syn::{parse_macro_input, DeriveInput};
#[derive(FromDeriveInput, Default)]
#[darling(default, attributes(my_trait))]
struct Opts {
answer: Option<i32>,
#[proc_macro_derive(MyTrait, attributes(my_trait))]
pub fn derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let input = parse_macro_input!(input);
let opts = Opts::from_derive_input(&input).expect("Wrong options");
let DeriveInput { ident, .. } = input;
let answer = match opts.answer {
Some(x) => quote! {
fn answer() -> i32 {
None => quote! {},
let output = quote! {
impl MyTrait for #ident {
Struct Opts
describes parameters of the #[my_trait(...)]
attribute. Here we
have only one of them - answer
. Notice that it's optional, because we don't
want to overwrite the default fn answer()
implementation if the attribute
wasn't used.
The qoute!
macro is composable - we can use output of one of them in another.
So in the match
we check if the initializer is passed and create the method
implementation or just nothing. And finally we use the result in the outer
That's all, clone this repo to play with the code.