About | Usage | Installation
- like random posts from discovery
- like posts from a profile
- add multiple comments to a post
- actions parameterized by waits
Like posts on a profile
// likeProfile(account, times);
likeProfile("chesa.sebastian", 26);
Leave comments on a profile
// commentProfile(account, message, times);
commentProfile("chesa.sebastian", "heyo ( ಠ‿ಠ)┘", 100);
Leave comments on a profile
// commentProfile(account, message, times);
commentProfile("chesa.sebastian", "heyo ( ಠ‿ಠ)┘", 100);
Unfollow random people
public static final int UNFOLLOW_PEOPLE = 300;
Like random posts from explore
public static final int EXPLORE_POSTS = 100;
likeExpore(); //like 100 posts from explore
Like 20% of EXPLORE_HASHTAGS posts from hashtags/ locations
public static String[] hashTags = { "#romania", "timisoara", "#arad", "#beach", "#developer", "#software", "#gymbeast" "party", "vodka" };
public static final int EXPLORE_HASHTAGS = 400;
likeHashtags(); // iterate over 400 posts for each hashTag
Tag people in a post many times
public static final ArrayList<String> tags = new ArrayList<String>();
static {
URL tagUrl = new URL("https://www.instagram.com/p/CAlFTzTJl4f/");
// tagInPost(postUrl, tags, times);
tagInPost(tagUrl, tags, 10);
Install chrome driver and set the path
public static final String CHRONIUM_DRIVER = "C:\\Users\\User\\Downloads\\chromedriver_win32\\chromedriver.exe";
Export from chrome User data, having instagram account logged on, and set the path
public static final String USER_DATA = "C:\\Users\\User\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data - profile";