This project is a library containing all commun React components, layouts, icons and themes for all Scality UI projects. This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
In the project directory, you can run:
Install all project dependencies.
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode. It will generate test snapshots by using Storybook Storyshot add-on. You have to run all the tests and update all snapshots before each commit.
Builds the app for production to the dist
In this folder, you will find all components, icons and themes.
Launch Storybook to test all the components on the http://localhost:3000
This will build the Storybook and deploy the Storybook to the ui-core GitHub Pages.
You can use plop when you want to create a new react component. Plop generates component template files.
✔ ++ /src/lib/components/menuitem/MenuItem.component.js
✔ ++ /src/lib/components/menuitem/MenuItem.component.test.js
✔ ++ /src/lib/components/menuitem/__snapshots__/config.js
✔ ++ /stories/menuitem.js