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ScalarDB is a universal transaction manager that achieves:

  • database/storage-agnostic ACID transactions in a scalable manner even if an underlying database or storage is not ACID-compliant.
  • multi-storage/database/service ACID transactions that can span multiple (possibly different) databases, storages, and services.


The library is available on maven central repository. You can install it in your application using your build tool such as Gradle and Maven.

To add a dependency on ScalarDB using Gradle, use the following:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.scalar-labs:scalardb:3.9.4'

To add a dependency using Maven:




This library is mainly maintained by the Scalar Engineering Team, but of course we appreciate any help.

  • For asking questions, finding answers and helping other users, please go to stackoverflow and use scalardb tag.
  • For filing bugs, suggesting improvements, or requesting new features, help us out by opening an issue.

Here are the contributors we are especially thankful for:


Pre-commit hook

This project uses pre-commit to automate code format and so on as much as possible. If you're interested in the development of ScalarDB, please install pre-commit and the git hook script as follows.

$ ls -a .pre-commit-config.yaml
$ pre-commit install

The code formatter is automatically executed when commiting files. A commit will fail and be formatted by the formatter when any invalid code format is detected. Try to commit the change again.


ScalarDB is dual-licensed under both the Apache 2.0 License (found in the LICENSE file in the root directory) and a commercial license. You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses. The commercial license includes several enterprise-grade features such as ScalarDB Server, management tools, and declarative query interfaces like GraphQL and SQL interfaces. Regarding the commercial license, please contact us for more information.